2022 05 28 1395

다들 꼭 투표하기
Make sure to vote.

그리고 진짜 웃긴 점
And the funny thing is...

방금 밥 먹으러 가게 들어왔는데
I just came into the restaurant to eat.

비비언니랑 최리 만남
Meeting Vivi and Choerry.

이달소 마주치기 쉽다
be easy to come across this month

고원언니랑 테이블 앉으려고 하는데
I was going to sit at a table with GoWon.

누가 고원아~~~~!~!!~!~!~!~
Who said, Go Won?

이래서 에?
That's why?

봤더니 연예인
I saw a celebrity.

영광 ㅜ
It's an honor.

근데 자주 오는 곳이 아니라
But it's not a place I come to often.

우리 다 몇 개월 만에 온 거거든
It's been months since we came here.

그래서 놀랐어
So I was surprised.

웃겨 증말
It's so funny.

저 인증샷 귀엽지 아직 투표 안 한 오빛들은 나랑 똑같이 그려서 인증해!!!!!!!!
That proof shot is cute. ORBIT who didn't vote yet draw it exactly like me and prove it!!!!!!!!