2022 05 25 1370

코에서 콧물 떨어지는 것 같다
My nose is running.

녹아내리는 석고상 같대요
They say it's like a melting plaster".

녹아내리는 아이스크림 같대요
They say it's like melting ice cream.

Laughing out loud.

근데 일부러 두툼하게 바르는겨? ㄴ 두껍게 발라야 잘 떨어져
But are you putting it on thick on purpose? b You have to apply it thickly to make it fall off easily.

컴백하니까 열심히
Since we're making a comeback, we'll work hard.

팩 해야지
I'm going to put on a face mask.


헤어스타일을 바꿀 계획이 있습니까? ㄴ 없습니다
Do you have any plans to change your hairstyle? There's no b.


혹시 컴백 스포는 없울까..? ㄴ 없습니다~~!
Is there any comeback spoiler? There's no b~!

It's going to be soon.

Since it's June.

좀만 참으면 옵니다..!
I'll be back in a little while.

그러고 보니 이제 티저 뜨면 오빛들이랑 얘기할 수 있겠네
Come to think of it, when the teaser comes out, we can talk with ORBIT.

티저 나도 언제 뜨는지 몰라
I don't know when the teaser will be released.

우리 맨날 엥? 올라왔네
We always... Huh? It's up.

like this

오빛들이 추측해줘
Orbit, please guess.

언제 올라올 것 같은지
When do you think it'll come up?

4분 뒤?
4 minutes later?

나도 몰라
I don't know.

5/30일 추측하시더라 선대 오빛 선배님들이
Orbit of the previous generation guessed it was May 30.

선배님들이 맞추시면 대박
If you get it right, it's going to be awesome.

Let's see...!



안 떴다
It didn't come up.

나도 일찍 나가야 해서 잘 거야
I have to leave early, so I'm going to sleep.

I have to sleep.

무대 잘 봤어? 우리도 늦게 봤네
Did you enjoy the performance? We watched it late, too.

뭔가 오빛들이랑 우리랑 감정을 나누면서 무대했다고 느꼈었어
I felt that ORBIT and we shared our emotions on stage.

그래서 나도 울컥하고 멤버들도 끝나고 운 거 아닌가 싶어
That's why I got emotional and I think the members cried afterwards.

근데 난 울지 않았다
But I didn't cry.

난 강 한 여 자 울 지 않 긔
I don't cry a strong woman

컨디션만 좋았으면 더 좋았을텐데 그건 좀 아쉬워
It would have been better if my condition was good, but that's a bit disappointing.

버터플라이는 진짜 우리만 할 수 있는 곡이야
Butterfly is a song that only we can do.

너무 소중해
It's so precious.