2022 05 12 1218

그럼 만약에 혜주가 사랑하는 사람을 위해서 음식을 만들었는데 조금 맛을 봤더니 신발 주머니 맛이 나 그러면 버릴거야? 아니면 미안하다고 하고 줄거야?
Let's say Hyejoo made food for the person she loves, but after tasting it, it tastes like shoe pockets. Are you going to throw it away then? Or will you say sorry and give it to me?

먹지 말라하고 맛있는 거 시켜 먹을 듯
I'll tell them not to eat it and order something delicious.

다들 신발주머니 맛이 뭔지에 대해 얘기하고 있어
Everyone's talking about the taste of shoe bags.

나도 몰라 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
I don't know. (Laughs)

그냥 그 정도로 맛없다는 걸
It's just that it's that bad.

확 느낄 수 있는 단어같아
It's a word that I can feel.

이거는 약간 다른결의 논쟁이긴 한데 혜주언니 케이크논쟁 알아? 혜주 친구가 혜주 생일이라구 케이크를 사서 기다리고 있었는데 너무 배가 고파서 한조각 먹어버린거야! 그때 혜주의 생각은? 화난다 vs 그럴 수 있다
It's a different kind of debate. Hyejoo, do you know the cake controversy? Hyejoo's friend bought a cake for Hyejoo's birthday and was waiting. I was so hungry that I ate a piece! What did Hyejoo think? I'm angry vs. That can happen.

그럴 수 있다
It can be.

그냥 초 꽂는 거에 의미가 있는 것 같아서 그런가
Maybe it's because I think it's meaningful to put candles on it.

뭉개지건 먹었건
Whether it's crushed or eaten,

초 꽂아서 축하만 하면 될듯
All we have to do is put candles and celebrate.

그럼 초 꽂고 소원 빌고 혜주가 불 끌라 햇는데 친구가 냅다 후 불었어 그건 어때
Let's make a wish with candles and Hyejoo said she was going to turn off the lights, but my friend blew it out. How about that?

a street boss

It's going to be funny.

어차피 생일은 또 와...
It's my birthday anyway...

그럼 딸기케이크에 딸기만 빼먹은거 괜찮아 ????
Then is it okay to skip strawberries in the strawberry cake?

이건 안 돼
I can't do this.

이건 괘씸해
This is disgusting.

앞에 질문들은 악의가 없는데
There's no harm in the previous questions.

딸기만 빼먹는 건 나를 배려 안 한거니까
If you skip strawberries, you're not being considerate of me.

좀 싫음
I don't like it.

너 생일인데 초 냅다 부는 건 악의가 있지 않아 ??
Isn't it malicious to blow candles on your birthday?

장난인게 느껴지는 행동
a mischievous act

딸기만 빼먹은ㄱ건
I forgot strawberry only.

지만 먹겠다는 행동
The act of eating only by yourself.


인터넷에 돌아다니는 그런거 있잖아
There's something that goes around the internet.

먹을 거 남겨놔~ 이랬는데
I said, "Leave some food."

한 입 베어먹고 남겨놓는
I take a bite and leave it.

그런 것 같아
I guess so.

그럼 라면 끓이는데 안먹는다 해놓고 한입만 하는건 ㄱㅊ?
Then, if you say you're not going to eat ramen and just eat a bite, is that good?

이건 완전 괜찮
This is totally fine.

피자 남겨놨다고 먹으라해서 봤는데 꽁다리만 있는 그런거?
They told me to eat it because I left pizza, but I saw it with only the tail.

맞지 이런 느낌이야
Right? It's like this.

치킨 다리만 먹는 거
Eating chicken legs only.


아니 일단 전제는 사랑하는 사람이지
No, the premise is someone you love.

그럼 사랑하는 사람이 아무말 없이 외출복으로 언니 침대 눕는 거 가눙?
Then, why don't you lie down on your bed in your clothes without saying anything?

나 이거 별로 신경 안 써
I don't really care about this.

왜냐면 나 지금
Because right now, I...

연습실 갔다온 복장 그대로
The outfit that I wore after I came back from the practice room.

Stay in bed.

몸이 천근만근이야............^^
My body feels like a million pounds...^^

언니는 그럼 행동에 악의가 없으면 다른 사람이 실수해도 잘 이해하는 편이야?
If you don't have any malice in your actions, do you understand others' mistakes?

이건 아닌듯
I don't think this is it.

Mr. Hyejoo.

나도 오랜만에 챙김
It's been a while since I took care of it, too.

혜주님 주제 바꿔주세요 많은 오빛들이 힘들어해요 ༼;’༎ຶO༎ຶ༽
Hyejoo, please change the topic. A lot of ORBITs are having a hard time. ༼;’༎ຶO༎ຶ༽

(Laughs) (Laughs)

그럼 나 씻으러 가야지
Then I'll go wash up.