2022 05 10 1192

저 포즈
That pose.

평온해 보이지만
You look calm.

배에도 힘주고 턱에도 힘주고
Strengthen your stomach and chin.

다리도 불편한 포즈
A pose that makes your legs uncomfortable, too.

표정이 안 편해 보여?
Do I look uncomfortable?

(Laughs) (Laughs)

I got caught...

갑자기 갤러리 보다가 발견해서 올려봤어
I suddenly found it while looking at the gallery, so I uploaded it.

It's five o'clock.

그냥 들어왔는데 정각이길래
I just came in and it was on time.

오랜만에 저메추
Dinner menu recommendation.



Pork kimchi jjageuri.

안 먹을 사람은 말어~
If you don't want to eat, don't.

나랑 똑같이 먹을 사람들은
The people who will eat the same as me...

Kitto kimbap.

키토김밥 소울푸드 아니냐고?
"Isn't it soul food for Kito Gimbap?"

No way.

내 소울을 어케 키토김밥 따위가
How can I use my soul like Quito Gimbap?

소울은 마라가 채워준다..
Mala fills the soul.

나 근데 아직 샹궈는 안 먹어봤어
But I haven't tried Xiangguo yet.

근데 너무 먹어보고 싶단 말이지
But I really want to try it.

나는 국물 좋아해서
I like soup.

맨날 탕만 먹었거든
I always ate soup.

다음에 도전해본다
I'll try next time.

내일 퀸덤 하는 날이네
Tomorrow is the day of "Queendom".


본방사수할 수 있을지 모르겠어 ㅜ
I don't know if I can watch it live.

영양제 먹어~~
Take nutritional supplements.

난 밥 아직 안 먹어서 유산균만 먹었어
I didn't eat yet, so I only ate lactobacillus.

밥 먹고 비타민도 먹어야지
I'm going to eat and take vitamins.

근데 오늘 다들 왜이렇게 일찍일어났지???? ㄴ 스케줄이 있기 때문에!
But why did everyone wake up so early today? b Because I have a schedule!

학교 잘 다녀오고
Have a good day at school well.

출근도 힘내고
Cheer up for going to work.


학생 오빛들 학교 가기 싫다하고
Students ORBIT don't want to go to school.

선생님 오빛들도 싫다하네
Teacher, ORBIT doesn't like it either.

역시 모두 인간이기에
As expected, everyone is human.