2022 05 07 1146

전출도 너무 오랜만이라
It's been such a long time since I was transferred.

적응이 안 되긴 했는데
I couldn't get used to it.

오빛들도 진짜 오랜만이었겠다
ORBIT, it must have been a long time.

앞으로는 자주 보자
Let's see each other more often.

고생 많았어 다들🖤
You all worked so hard. 🖤

나 혼자 카페에 있다 지금
I'm alone at a cafe right now.

그냥 혼자 힐링 겸
I just wanted to heal myself.

어딘지 궁금하지
You're curious where it is, right?


I won't tell you.

음료는 아이스 아메리카노☕️
I'll drink iced Americano ☕️

디저트는 말하면
To tell you about it...

어딘지 들킬 것 같애......~
I think they'll find out where it is.

로지는 아니야ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Not Rosie.(Laughs)

괴이 보고 있어
I'm watching a ghost.

괴이가 뭐예요?

ㄴ 티빙 오리지널 드라마요
What's that?

The original TVing drama.

좀 무서운 분위기(?) 와 잔인함을 싫어하는 오빛들은 비추입니다
Orbit who doesn't like the scary atmosphere and cruelty is not in the light.

로코는 안 봐?? ㄴ 별로 안 좋아함
You don't watch Rocco? I don't like it that much.

보이스 정주행 강추 ㄴ이미 봤지요
I strongly recommend binge-watching of VOICE ONLY. I already saw it.

손혜주 직캠 정주행 강추 ㄴ 내공 100드려요
I strongly recommend watching Son Hyejoo's close-up camera. I'll give you my 100th grade.

구경이 봐줘 혜주야 제발제발제발 ㄴ 봤음!
Look around. Hyejoo, please, please, please. I saw it!

탐이나 손혜주 직캠 강추 ㄴ 아직 없는 직캠인데요 ㅜ
I strongly recommend Tom or Son Hyejoo's fancams. b It's a close-up camera that I don't have yet.

헐 카페에 벚꽃엔딩 나온다 지금
Oh my! The cherry blossom ending is coming out at the cafe right now.

No way!

밖에서 혜주 만나면 어떻게 해야 해?? 1. 모르는 척 지나간다 2. 조용히 바라만 본다 3. 호들갑 떨며 아는 척 한다 4. 조용히 아늑~ 을 한다 5. 기타

What should I do if I meet Hyejoo outside? 1. pass by pretending not to know 2. I just look at it quietly. 3. Make a fuss and pretend to know. 4. Quietly and cozy. It's cozy. 5. Other

Number three.(Laughs)

근데 나 만나기 힘들어
But it's hard to meet me.

밖에 잘 안 나가서
I don't go out often.


오빛들도 잘 안 나간다고?
Orbit doesn't go out often either?

(Laughs) (Laughs)

서로 만나기 힘드네
It's hard to meet each other.

만나서 꺼내들면 가장 반가울 것 같은 것은? 1. 팹 개인답장 스샷 2. 혜주 포카 3. 이달의소녀 앨범 4. 오빛 4기 인증샷 5. 심장

아무래도 5번이
What would you be most happy to meet and take out? 1. Fab Personal Reply Screenshot 2. Hyejoo's photo card. 3. LOONA's album. 4. Proof shot of Orbit's 4th generation. 5. The heart

I think number 5 is...

헉 방금....
Oh, just now...

Just now...

알아봐 주셨다,,,,,,,,,,,,
They recognized me.

오빛은 아니신 것 같은데•••
I don't think it's Orbit.•••

아니 오빛들이랑
No, with ORBIT...

만나면 어떻게 할지 얘기하다가
We talked about what we would do when we met.

갑자기 진짜로
All of a sudden, really...

말 거시니까
Because I talked to him.

너무 당황해 버림
I was so flustered.

진짜 당황ㅜ
I was really flustered.

더 친절히 살갑게
Kinder and more friendly.

I should've done it for you.

I'm doing it.

이제 집에 가야겠다ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ ㅜ
I should go home now.(Laughs) (Laughs) ㅜ


나 절대 도망가는 게 아니야
I'm not running away.

나가실 때 인사해 주셨거든
He said hi to me when he left.

나는...집 갈 시간이 돼서... 가는 거야....
I... It's time to go home. Let's go...