2022 04 22 903

오늘 점심에 미역국 먹었어
I had seaweed soup for lunch today.

엄마한테 아프다고 하니까 미역국 주고 가서
I told my mom that I was sick, so I gave her seaweed soup.

맛나게 먹었다
It was delicious.

문제는 통이 너무 커서 냉장고 칸에 안 들어가
The problem is that the container is too big to fit in the fridge.

그래서 판을 한 칸 뺐어
So, I took out one block.

원래 큰손이셔서
He has big hands.

이 정도면 조금 준 거라고 생각......
I think this is a little too much...

원래였음 솥에 왔을 거야
I would have come to the pot.

내일은 주말이네
Tomorrow is the weekend.

나는 내일 연습
I'm practicing tomorrow.

그리고 경연 2등!!
And second place in the competition!

입이 어찌나 근질근질하던지
I was so itching to say it made me want to say this.

3차 경연도 파이팅이다~.......!
Fighting for the 3rd competition!