2022 04 16 824
좋은 일요일 보내고 있나
Are you having a good Sunday?
나도 오늘 연습 있어서 나왔어
I also came out because I had practice today.
날씨 엄청 좋은데
The weather is so nice.
산책할 시간 있으면 밖에 나가봐도 좋을 것 같아
If you have time to take a walk, I think you can go outside.
나도 차타고 가면서 좀 구경했음
I watched it while I was in the car.
퇴근 중
I'm on my way home.
굉장히 알찬 하루였다
It was a very fulfilling day.
폼롤러로 근육 뿌시고 있어
He's crushing his muscles with a foam roller.
죽ㅇ ㅓ라 근육.....
My muscles...
복근 안 생겨
I can't get abs.
절대 안 생겨
It won't happen at all of us.
볶음밥만 취급해 나는
I only handle fried rice.
볶음밥은 김볶이지
Kimchi fried rice is the best.
오늘 올라온 하슬언니 사진 귀엽지ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Haseul's picture that came up today is cute.(Laughs)
2차 경연 날 아침인데
It's the morning of the 2nd round.
언니도 렌즈 안 껴서 나처럼 찡그리고 있는 게 웃겨
It's funny that you're frowning like me because you're not wearing contact lenses.
언니한테 허락 맡고 올렸지
I uploaded it after getting permission from my sister.
항상 멤버들한테 물어봐
I always ask the members.
말 안 하고 올리면 좀 그렇잖아
It's kind of weird to post it without saying anything.
생일은 제외다
Except for birthdays.
이제 씻고 누웠다
I washed up and lied down.
아직 안 자는 오빛들 많네
There are a lot of ORBIT who aren't sleeping yet.
모델링 팩하는 사람 있어?
Does anyone do a modeling pack?
혼자 하기 쉽지 않네
It's not easy to do it alone.
가루에 녹여서 바르는 팩이야
It's a face mask that's melted in powder.
얼굴 열감은 확실히 내려가는 거 ㅅ같은데
The heat on your face definitely goes down.
영상 보고 방법을 좀 배워야겠다
I should learn how to do it after watching the video.
다음에 내가 잘 바르면
Next time, if I apply it well,
셀카로 올려줄게
I'll upload it as a selfie.
얼른 자 다들
Go to sleep, everyone.
나도 이제 자야지
I'm going to sleep now.