2022 04 12 765

보고 싶었지
I missed you.

빈 의자 나올 때마다 좀 웃겨
It's funny whenever an empty chair comes out.

텅 비어있는데 의자가 너무 많아
It's empty, but there are too many chairs.

(Laughs) (Laughs)

이달소 응원하러 오신 오빛들 귀여워
ORBIT who came to support LOONA is so cute.

달소 달소 해주셨네
They said "Dalso dalso.

귀여운 오빛들....
Cute ORBITs...

이거 다 보면 세시쯤 되겠다
If you watch all of this, it'll be around 3 o'clock.

나 아직 안 자
I'm not sleeping yet.

뭐? 카디비님이 이달소 쉐킷을 좋아하신다고...?
What? Cardi B likes LOONA's Shake It?


That's amazing.

카디비님이 명랑핫도그 좋아한다는 것까지 알려주셨어
Cardi B even told me that she likes cheerful hot dogs.

(Laughs) (Laughs)

어떤 핫도그 제일 좋아하실까
Which hot dog do you like the most?

Whole mozzarella potatoes?

Spicy sweet potatoes?

먹물 좋아하신다고?
You like ink?

It's delicious.

They said it's a lie.

Who's there?

come out

먹물이라고 거짓말 한 사람!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Who lied that it was ink!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

누군가의 중요한 핫도그 취향이란 말이야
It's someone's hot dog preference.

이제 우리다
It's us now.



들고 계셨어
He was holding it.


고ㅜ원언니 뿌리 엄청 자랐었네
Ko 원won's roots grew a lot.

진짜 준비하면서 효린언니 노래 다 찾아봤는데
I looked up all of Hyolyn's songs while preparing.

나는 가사를 중점으로 보면서 골랐어
I focused on the lyrics and chose the lyrics.

a뭐야 내 얼굴
What's up with my face?

난 처음부터 쉐이킷으로 의견냈어
I've been shaking it from the start.

가사가 우리랑 제일 잘 섞일 것 같았어
I thought the lyrics would mix well with us.

짠내 스토리다
It's a sad story.

ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ앵글 무엇
(Laughs) (Laughs)What's with the angle?


Good job.

티비로 보니까 또 다르다
It's different on TV.

프사 어때
How about a profile picture?

너무 어둡나?
Is it too dark?

이렇게 하니까 좀 무섭네
It's a bit scary like this.

이제 자야겠다
I should go to bed now.

다들 늦게까지
Until late at night,

같이 재방 보느라
I was watching the rerun together.

You did a great job.

빨리 자자
Let's hurry up and sleep.

푹 자~
Sleep tight.