2022 03 15 441

(Laughs) (Laughs)

Joke ^^✌️✌️


번역 기능이 생겼어요 외국 오빛들
There's a translation function. foreign ORBITs


지금 한국 오빛들만 영어로 댓글달고 있어ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Only ORBIT in Korea are leaving comments in English.(Laughs)

복사도 되네
You can copy it, too.

프로필도 크게 보여
Your profile looks big.

지금 귀여운 동물 사진인 사람
Who has a cute animal picture?

다 눌러본다.
I'm going to press everything.

다들 자식자랑
Everyone is bragging about their children.

It's cute.

계란 찜기에 계란 구멍 뚫는 계량컵도 같이 왔거든
I got an egg steamer and a measuring cup to make a hole in the egg.

구멍을 뚫고 찌래
Make a hole and poke it.

산산조각 나던데
It's broken into pieces.

이게 맞나?
Is this right?

아니 맛있으면 되는 게 문제가 아니라
No, it's not the problem as long as it's delicious.

삶기 전에 내 손에서 터졌어
It burst in my hand before I boiled it.

구멍이 아니라
It's not a hole.

Like this.

일케 됐음
I've come to work.

구멍 절대 안 나던데
There's no hole.


오빛이 살살돌리면서
Orbit is turning gently.

구멍을 내라는
Make a hole.

팁을 줬어
I gave him a tip.

시도하고 올게
I'll try it.

No way.

그냥 얼음 조각가처럼
Just like an ice sculptor.

바늘로 뚫고 왔어
I pierced it with a needle.

편하게 삶으려고 샀더니만
I bought it to cook it comfortably.


야채 삶는 건 편해
Boiling vegetables is comfortable.

오빛이 알려준 팁
Orbit's tip.

계란을 상온?에 30분 정도
Eggs at room temperature for 30 minutes.

I'll take it out.

찌면 구멍 안 내도 된대
You don't have to make a hole if you steam it.

그럼 이 기계 추천
Then, I recommend this machine.

그냥 삶기 전에 꺼내두면 될 듯
I think we can just take it out before we boil it.

일단 방금 띵소리 났고
I just heard a ding sound.

결과물은 내일
The result is tomorrow.

I'll tell you.

그냥 누워있다 갑자기
I was just lying down and suddenly...

생각이 나서 해봤어
I thought of it, so I did it.

지금 먹을 순 없으니까
I can't eat it now.


다들 잘자
Good night, everyone.

계란에 대해 같이 얘기해 줘서
Thank you for talking about eggs with me.

Thank you
