2022 02 22 217

굿..은 아닌 그냥 모닝~~~~☀️
Not good but just morning~~~☀️

아침은 항상 모닝이야
Morning is always morning.

잘 때만 굿나잇ㅋ
Good night only when I sleep.

다들 굿모닝인ㄱ ㅓ야?
Are you all good morning?

(Laughs) (Laughs)


어제 부대찌개 먹었어?
Did you eat budae jjigae yesterday?

먹은 사람 3명
3 people who ate it.

안 먹은 사람828283942971165명
828283942971165 people who didn't eat.


좀 슬프네
It's kind of sad.

사실 나 의정부에서 부대찌개 먹어본 적
Actually, I've eaten budae jjigae in Uijeongbu.

한 번밖에 없어
There's only one time.

왜냐면 엄마가 만든 게 더 맛나
Because what my mom made tastes better.

엄마가 해도 의정부 부대찌개인 건 맞지ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
It's true that it's Uijeongbu budae jjigae even if my mom does it.(Laughs)

아 영양제 챙기세요~~~~~~~~~~~
Ah, bring your nutritional supplements.~~~~~~~~~~~

영양제 맛없다고 안 먹는 오빛들 꽤 많네ㅡㅡ
There's a lot of ORBITs who don't take nutritional supplements because they're not tasty

누가 영양제를 맛으로 먹나요ㅡㅡ
Who takes nutritional supplements for taste?--ㅡㅡ

맛있으면 좋긴 하지
It's good if it's delicious.

어떤 오빛은 영양제를 두 그릇 먹는대
Some Orbit takes two bowls of nutritional supplements.

대체 어떤 영양제를...
What kind of nutritional supplements...

사골국물 아님??
Isn't it beef bone soup?

오늘 좀 웃긴 오빛들 많네
There are a lot of funny ORBITs today.

수요일이라 그런가
Is it because it's Wednesday?

월요일 화요일은 좀 힘들잖아
Monday and Tuesday are kind of hard.

수요일부터 좀 살만하지
It's worth living from Wednesday.

수요일이 고비야?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Wednesday is the hardest day?(Laughs) (Laughs)

이렇게라도 웃자^^
Let's smile like this^^

앗 사고친 거 들었구나
Oh, you heard about the accident.



다시 생각해도 좀 어이없네
I can't believe it.

심지어 걍 던진 것도 아니고
I didn't just throw it.

햄토리 위로 던져서 주먹으로 친건데
I threw it over Hamtaro and punched him.

You got it right.

Laughing out of laughter.

햄토리는 끝까지 웃고 있었다
Hamtori was laughing till the end.

이 상황 자체는 햄토리 주인 잘못이라고 생각해
I think this situation itself is the Hamtori owner's fault.

🐹 얘가 웃고 있는 게 살짝 거슬렸을 뿐
🐹 It was just a little annoying that he was smiling.

근데 걔 뾱뾱이에 포장돼 있어서 무사해
But it's wrapped in a bag, so it's okay.

몬스터는 내가 마시던 걸 거야
The monster's probably what I was drinking.

그렇게라도 재밌는 시간이 있었다는 게 좋은 거지
It's good that we had such a fun time.
