2022 02 16 153
심심한가 봐
I guess I'm bored.
단톡에 놀러 올 사람 구한다
I'm looking for someone to come to our group chat.
나는 그닥 심심하진 않ㄴ네.....^3^
I am not that bored..^3^
다들 뭐해~~~~
What are you all doing?
내 생각 하는 사람 많네 ㅎㅋ
There are a lot of people who think about me.
나는 빨래 개고 잠시
I'm going to fold the laundry.
휴식 중이었어
I was resting.
오늘 저메추는 고등어조림
Today's dinner recommendation is braised mackerel.
싫은 사람은 알리오올리오파스타
If you don't like it, you'll get aglio e olio pasta.
나는 콜리플라워 볶음밥 먹을까?
Should I eat cauliflower fried rice?
아니면 샐러드
Or salad.
흠 고민되네
Hmm... I'm thinking about it.
월남쌈 먹을래
I want spring rolls.
근데 나는 야채 좋아해
But I like vegetables.
야채 좋아하는데 샐러드는 싫어해
I like vegetables, but I don't like salads.
뭔지 알지?
You know what I mean, right?
여섯시에 퇴근하는 사람
a person who leaves work at six
뭐??? 나 맥주 안 마셨어
What? I didn't drink beer.
갑자기 다 맥주 먹었냐고 물어보길래
Everyone asked me if I drank beer.
What is it?
내일 먹을 계란 삶고 누워있었다고😤
I was lying down after boiling eggs for tomorrow.Go 😤
계란은 8분 삶고 찬물에 담궜다.
Boil the eggs for 8 minutes and soak them in cold water.
8분 대충 반숙 아닐까...?
Isn't it about half-cooked for 8 minutes?
그냥 완숙 되면 완숙 먹고...반숙이면 반숙 먹고...
If it's hard-boiled, I'll just eat hard-boiled...If it's half-cooked, I'll eat half-cooked...
끓는 물은 아니었어
It wasn't boiling water.
안 익었을라나
I don't think it's cooked.
모르겠다 깠을 때 날계란만 아니면 먹을 수 있어
I don't know. If it's not raw, I can eat it.
불안하게 다들
Everyone is nervous.
안 익을 거라고
It won't cook.
He's talking.
좀 더 익힐까...?
Should I cook it a bit more?
귀찮긴 한데
It's annoying.
귀찮아서 그냥 먹기로 했어
I was lazy, so I decided to eat it.
내일의 내가 알아서 먹을 듯
I think I'll eat it on my own tomorrow.
(Laughs) (Laughs)
머리에만 안 깨면 되잖아?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
As long as I don't wake up, right?(Laughs)
다음에는 끓는 물에 8분 할게
Next time, I'll put it in boiling water for 8 minutes.
어제 일찍 잠든 것처럼 오늘도 일찍 잠 오면 좋겠다
I hope you fall asleep early today, just like you fell asleep early today.
나는 12시쯤 잠드는 게 제일 좋은 것 같아
I think it's best to go to bed around midnight.
일찍 일어나진 않아ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
I don't wake up early.(Laughs)
이달소 내에선 일찍이긴 하다
It's early in this month's office.
자는 분위기 조장하려고 불 껐음
I turned off the lights to create a sleeping atmosphere.
채원언니랑 방 쓸 때 11신데 맨날 내가 불 끄니까
It's 11 o'clock when I share a room with CHAE WON, but I always turn off the lights.
또 분위기 조장한다며
You said you're promoting the mood.
(Laughs) (Laughs)
원래 불을 잘 안 키고 살아서
I don't usually turn on the lights.
잘 때나 아닐 때나 비슷하긴 해
It's similar when I sleep or not.
낮엔 햇빛 때문에 안 켜도 잘 보여
I can see it well even if I don't turn it on because of the sunlight.
Don't worry.