2022 02 12 76
날씨가 좋지만 난 집에 있을 거야,,,
The weather is nice, but I will stay at home.
닉네임을 이름이나 듣고 싶은 애칭으로 해두면
If you make a nickname that you want to hear,
개인 답글을 달 때 최대한 불러줄게요
I'll sing as much as I can when I leave a personal comment.
전체 문자랑 헷갈린다고 하니까 이름을 불러주면 덜 헷갈릴 것 같아서??
You said you're confused with the whole text, so I thought it would be less confusing if you called my name?
근데 안 불러준다고 해서 다 전체는 아냐
But even if you don't sing it, it doesn't mean everything.
You know, right?
그리고 반말해도 되냐고 물어보는 분들도 많은데
And there are a lot of people asking if I can speak informally.
아무렇게나 얘기해도 괜찮아요
It's okay to say anything.
저도 반말이랑 존댓말이랑 섞어서 쓰니까!!
I use both informal and formal language.
잘 못 보냄
I can't send it well.
개인 답글인데,,,,,,,
It's a personal reply.
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ아 웃기네
(Laughs) (Laughs)That's funny.
또 잠들었어
I fell asleep again.
누워있으면 계속 자
If I lie down, I keep sleeping.
나만 낮잠 잔 거 아니지?ㅎㅎ
I'm not the only one who took a nap, am I?Haha
자다가 하루가 가겠어
A day will go by while sleeping.
근데 침대에 자석이 달렸는지,,,
But there was a magnet on the bed.
몸이 안 떨어지네,,,,,,
I can't move my body.
다들 요즘 재밌게 보는 드라마나 영화 있어요?
Is there any drama or movie that you're enjoying these days?
뭔가 나랑 취향이 비슷한 분들이 많네
There are a lot of people who have similar tastes with me.
밥 먹기 구ㅏ찮아서 바나나 먹었어
I ate a banana because I didn't want to eat.
나 원래 잘 챙겨 먹는데
I usually eat well.
오늘은 진짜 귀찮다
I'm so lazy today.
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ다들 와서 밥해준대
(Laughs) (Laughs)They're all coming to cook for us.
요리를 잘하나 봐~~?
You must be good at cooking.
요리 잘하면 좋지
It's good to be good at cooking.
근데 못해도 괜찮아
But it's okay if you're bad.
요즘 밀키트 잘 나와
Milkit is coming out well these days.
우리에겐 msg가 있잖아?
We have msg, don't we?
근데 나는 입맛이 까다롭지 않아서
But I'm not picky about food.
웬만하면 다 잘 먹어
I eat everything well.
You know that, right?
저녁은 김치볶음밥 추천해 줄게
I'll recommend kimchi fried rice for dinner.
나는 샐러드 먹을래
I'm going to eat salad.
아니면 과일 먹을까??
Or should I eat fruit?
흠 고민되네
Hmm... I'm thinking about it.
콥샐러드가 좋겠다
Cobb salad sounds good.
I ordered it.
이따 오면 사진 찍어줄게
I'll take a picture of you later.
근데 콘서트 때 생각보다 바빠서 사진을 거의 못 찍었어
But I was busier than I thought during the concert, so I couldn't take pictures.
전에 했을 때는 대기실에서 쉬는 시간도 있었거든?
Last time, we had a break in the waiting room.
이번엔 대기실 근처도 못 가고 옷 입고 나오면 끝이였어
This time, I couldn't get anywhere near the waiting room, and I was done when I got dressed.
그래서 첫 착장은 셀카가 많은데
There are a lot of selfies in my first outfit.
다른 옷은 거의 없네ㅜ
I have few other clothes.
천천히 풀어주겠어 ㅎ ㅡ ㅎ
I'll release it slowly
그나저나 벌써 음식 픽업했대
By the way, they already picked up the food.
왤케 빨라
Why is it so fast?