2022 02 12 69
엽서라는 것도 있길래 궁금해서 보냈는데
There was a postcard, so I sent it because I was curious.
편지처럼 멘트 칸 나오는 줄 알았거든???
I thought the comment section would come out like a letter?
당황스럽게 사진만 전송됐어
It's embarrassing. Only the photos were sent.
별 말은 아니고 궁금해서 테스트 해볼게요~ 이렇게 쓰려고 했거든
I'm not saying anything, but I'll test it out of curiosity. I was going to write it like this.
그래... 이제 알았으니 다음엔 글이랑 보내야지
All right, now I know. Next time, I'm gonna write and send it.
이거 엽서라고 배경 테마(?)가 여러 개 있어
This is a postcard. There are several background themes.
좀 신기한 것도 있는 것 같고
I think it's interesting.
이거 사진은 그때 공트에 올라왔던 사진이랑 똑같은 날!
This picture was taken on the same day as the picture that was posted on the official Twitter.
언제 올렸는지는 기억이 잘,,,
I don't remember when I posted it...
나도 아직 이 어플이 좀 어렵네
This application is still hard for me.
나도 계속해보면서 어떤 점이 개선되면 좋을지 적어놓고 있어.........
I'm also writing down what I want to improve as I go on...
응 어제 생긴 앱이니까 천천히 맞춰가면 되지
Yes, it's an app that was created yesterday, so we can slowly adjust it.
저는 이렇게 소통을 한다는 게
To communicate like this...
생각할수록 신기해요
It's fascinating the more I think about it.
사실 예전을 생각하면 지금은
When I think about the past,
앱이 렉이 걸려도 참 재밌다라는 생각이 드네
I think it's fun even if the app lags.
나는 올림픽 재방송 보는 중
I'm watching a rerun of the Olympics.
콘서트 준비하느라 거의 못 봤어서
I was preparing for the concert, so I couldn't watch it.
경기는 거의 안 봤고 소식만 들었어
I barely watched the game, but I just heard the news.
나는 아무 종목도 못 나갈 것 같아,,,
I don't think I can participate in any sports.
선수분들이 진짜 대단하신 것 같아
I think the players are amazing.
이제 좀 졸리다
I'm sleepy now.
다들 안 졸려?!
Aren't you all sleepy?
졸린 사람들 얼른 자
If you're sleepy, go to bed.
내가 문자 보낼까 봐 안 자는 거지
I'm not sleeping because I'm afraid I'll text you.
다 알아
I know everything.
나 이제 잘 거야
I'm going to sleep now.
얼른 자러 가세요 졸리신 분들
Go to bed. If you're sleepy,