2022 11 15 3685


소설 오랜만에 읽는데
It's been a while since I read a novel.


세상의 마지막 기차역
the world's last train station


다시 읽으러 감...
I'm going to read it again...




오늘은 필테데이
Today is Feel-te-

수능 아가덜....언니가 늦었다.... 늦잠을 잤어...
The college entrance exam...My sister was late... I overslept...

다 보고 나오면 홀가분할거야 그동안 너무 고생했고 결과에 대한 걱정보다는 지금까지 고생한 본인에게 보상을 해주는 하루가 되기를❤️
If you come out after watching it, you will feel relieved. I hope it will be a day where you reward yourself for your hard work so far rather than worrying about the results.❤️

지금 답장하는 수능본다는 언니오빠들
Those who are replying right now that they're taking the college entrance exam,

What's wrong with you?

신고한다 핸드폰 들고 들어갔다고
I'm going to report you. You went in with your phone.

나도 수능본게 엊그제 같은데
It feels like yesterday when I took the college entrance exam.


언제인지 기억도 안 난다
I don't even remember when.

그때 진짜 부어있었는데
I was really swollen then.


왜 부었는지는
I don't know why I'm bloated.

나중에 시간이 더 지나면 말해줄게요,,
I will tell you later after more time.


기분좋은 그런건 아니었음^.^..
It wasn't a pleasant thing.^..

라면도 아니고
It's not ramen.

운것도 아님 ㅋ
I didn't even cry lol

어쨌든 오늘 수험생 여러분들 기분좋은 하루 보내시길💖
Anyway, I hope you have a great day today 💖

뭔가 가장 떨리면서 설레는 날일거 같아
I think it's going to be the most exciting day.

시험 안 보시는 직장인 분들도
Even for office workers who don't take exams,


Fighting 💖

"끝나고나서 너무 결과 걱정말고 오늘 하루만큼은 홀가분한 하루 되셔요 🌟"
"Don't worry about the results too much after it's over and have a relaxing day today 🌟"

It's heartwarming.

"너는 시험이 끝난 후에 무엇을 했니?"
"What did you do after the exam?"

I went to the company...

"떡코 또 입어주라 정은이🤣"
"Wear tteok-ko again, Jungeun. 🤣"

Rice cake nose...?

떡코는 좀 귀여울지도
Tteok-ko might be cute.

근데 요즘에 코트진짜 안 입는득
But I don't wear coats these days.

It's cold

진짜 너무 춥고 그래서 옛날에 눈올때도 비가오나 눈이오나 그 한겨울에
It was so cold. In the past, when it snowed, whether it rained or snowed, in the middle of winter,

살색스타킹 신고 교복입던 그날들을 생각해
I think about the days when I wore pink stockings and school uniforms.

그땐 어떻게 그랬을까
How did I do that back then?

다들 공감하시죠
You all agree, right?

젊음이 최고
Youth is the best.

지금은 내복최고
My underwear is the best right now.

히트택입고 반팔입거 후드입고 패딩입고
Wear a heat tag, short-sleeved clothes, hooded clothes, and padded jacket.

You're the best.

바지도 골덴바지로
I'm wearing corduroy pants.

In a hot pack.


장갑에 목도리
Gloves and a scarf.

다들 독감도 조심하셔요💖
Be careful not to catch the flu.💖