2022 10 18 3405

풍경찍는게 더 조아~
I like taking pictures of the scenery better.

"셀카 찍는거 안좋아하는데 ... 셀카도 어쩜 그렇게 잘 찍지...? 🥲🥲🥲🥲"
"I don't like taking selfies. How come you're so good at taking selfies? 🥲🥲🥲🥲"

아이돌n년째... 늘 수밖에...
It's been n years since I became an idol. I can't help but...

"풍경찍는게 더 좋다고..?정은이 얼굴이 절경이고 장관인데,,"
"You like taking pictures of the scenery better?Jeong-eun's face is magnificent and spectacular."

That's a good comment.

to be hungry

아니 배불러
No, I'm full.

Kim Jung Eun, come to your senses.

오빛들ㄴ의 칭찬을 이렇게 먹고도 배가 고프니?!
Are you still hungry after eating ORBITDlN's compliments?

"That's a good comment."

Thank you very much.

"그건 그거고 밥은 밥이지."
"That's that and rice is rice."

^^ Nunchi 💖

배고파 사실
I'm actually hungry.

What should I eat?

간계밥은 안먹을거야..
I'm not going to eat gan-gye-

제가 부대찌개 밀키트를 사놨거든요?
I bought a meal kit for budae jjigae.


유통기한 지남
Expiration date expired

(Laughs) (Laughs)

안해먹어서...그대로 안녕
I don't cook...Bye, just like that.

너무 슬퍼
It's so sad.

근데 밀키트도 2인분이더라고요
But the meal kit was for 2 people, too.

근데 밀키트 유통기핱 왤케 짧아..?
But why is the milk kit distributor so short?

감자탕 맛이ㅛ게ㅛ다
The taste of gamjatang is low.

그치.....그게 밀키트니까...
That's right... That's milk kit...

인스턴트가 아니니까..
It's not instant.

그래서 냉장고에서 썩어가는중
So it's rotting in the fridge.

엄마들 잔소리
Mothers nagging.



"ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 진짜 엄마는 잔소리 안하셔?"
"(Laughs) (Laughs) Does your mom really not nag you?"


그래서 다들 밥은 먹었는지
Did you all eat?

아직 침대인사람
Who's still in bed?

바로 나!
It's me!

a working man

10시반인데...다들 일찍부터 너무 고생하네
It's 10:30...You're all working so hard.


일하는데..팹찾아와주ㅜ서 고마워여...
Thank you for coming to see me at work.

오빛들 화이팅💖
ORBIT, fighting! 💖

오늘 하루도 화이팅💖
Fighting for today too 💖

따뜻하게 입구 독감주사 맞으래여 그래서 나도 맞을라구
Warmly get the entrance flu shot, so I'll get it, too.

안뇽 다시 올게여💖
Bye, I'll be back. 💖

이클립스 리허설영상중에
In the Eclipse rehearsal video,

보규싶은 구간
The part you want to see.

a man of talent

3분을 다 올리는건..무리입니자...
If I upload all 3 minutes...It's impossible...

Please pick one.

ㄷㅏ들 후렴을 좋아하네..
They like the chorus.

"언니 근데 브릿지랑 시작됐어 이클립스랑 같은 부분아니여??"
"But it started with the bridge. Isn't it the same part as Eclipse?"

A quiet dawn...

사실 다 올리고싶은데
I want to upload them all.

진짜 짧다 영상 초수
It's really short. The number of seconds.