2022 09 25 3207

아직 어린가봐 나
I guess I'm still young.

ㅇ 다들 모해
O. What are you all doing?

팹아저씨 부탁드릴게 있어요
Mr. Fab, I have a favor to ask you.

@Mr. Fab

나중에 오면 댓글냄겨주세용
If you come later, please leave a comment.

"저거 호출 돼?..0"
"Is that paged?0"

No... lolololololol

다들 일하는구나 오늘 월요일이네..
Everyone is working. Today is Monday.


밥은 아직 안 먹음....
I haven't eaten yet...

이제 머리 다 하면 가서 먹어야지
I'm going to eat it when I'm done with my hair.

어떤분이 고치돈 추천래주셨는데
Someone recommended Kochi Don.

It's going to me.

근데 요즘 저 배달.택시 줄이기 실천하려고 해요
But these days, delivery.I'm trying to reduce the number of taxis.

여러분도 같이해요...대중교통
Let's do it together...Public transport

따릉이 킥고잉 타야겠다
I should ride "Kick Going" on Ttareungi.

어제도 카페갔다가 걸어서 숙소옴
I went to a cafe yesterday and walked to the dorm.


알겠어...킥보드는 안 탈게...
Okay... I won't ride the kickboard...

It's dangerous.

"근데 정은아 자전거 몇살때 처음 탔어?"
"How old were you when you first rode a bicycle?"

아빠가 애기때...잡아줘서 탔어요 ㅎ0헤
When my dad was a baby...I grabbed it and got tanned skin. h0he

근데ㅜ교통카드 그러면 찍을때 삼성페이 키고 찍어요 아니면 그냥 찍어요??
By the way, do you use Samsung Pay when you take a transportation card or just take it?

오 대박
Oh, awesome.

그냥 찍우면 된대요 키킼
They said we can just film it's okay.

이미 저는 숫소입니다 매니저님이 델다주셨기 때문입니다
I'm already a male cow. It's because our manager gave it's because of course.

ㅅ숙소에서 도넛먹으면서 환승연애 보는 중
I'm watching a transfer relationship while eating donuts at the dorm.

투어 가기전에
Before we go on tour,

4화까지 봤는데 흐름 끊겨수 안 뷸라하다가
I watched up to episode 4, but the flow got cut off, so I was not going to be able to watch it.

릴스에 너무 떠서 다시 보는 중
I'm rewatching it because it's on the reel.

오빛들 나 머리 바꾼거
ORBIT, I changed my hair.

빨리 보여쥬는 게 조아여 아니먄
Is it better to show it quickly or not?

숨겨놨다가 나중에 공개될때 보여주는게 조아여
It's better to hide it and show it when it's released later.

콘서트나 이럴때
When we have a concert or something like that.

그대싱 나중에 보면
When I see you later,

나 핸그폰에 사진이 없어서 사진 그때까지 못올림
I don't have a picture on my phone, so I can't upload it until then.

ㅎㅎ 의견 잘 알겠습니다
Haha, I understand your opinion well.

Thank you ^^

다들 밥응 먹었나여
Did you all eat?

나는 아직 뒹굴거리는 중
I'm still rolling around.

내가 지금 먹으면 이게 아침일까 점심일까
If I eat it now, will it be breakfast or lunch?

여러분들의 생각은 어때요
What do you think?

저 레오제이님 브이로그 보다가
I was watching LeoJ's VLOG.

그러게. ..했던거
I know... The one I did.


You're right...

나 웃긴거 저번에 사온 티 하나도 안마심
I didn't drink any tea that I bought last time.

생각난 김에
Speaking of which,

공복에 티한잔 해야겠다
I should drink tea on an empty stomach.

"for ornamental purposes"

에이 그건아니다....!!!!( ㄷ ㄷ ㄷ)
No, that's not it.

"무슨 티? 프리티? 큐티?"
"What T-shirt? Pretty? Cutie?"

LOL, LOL, LOL, LOL.(Laughs) (Laughs)

물 끓이거 얼게여
Water is boiling. It's freezing.