2022 09 20 3157

"영감받기라 영감 이모지를 썼는지... ."
"I don't know if I wrote an old man emoji to be inspired..."


"근데학생피스다떼셧나요 머리가왤케짧아지셨는지?"
"Did you take off all your student pieces? Why did your hair get so short?"

It's the end.

"와..영감받기라서 🧑‍🦳이라고...? 🤴받아..."
"Wow, because I'm inspired by 🧑🦳? 🤴 Take it..."

Lol, Lol, Lol, Lol, Lol, Lol, Lol, Lol, Lol, Lol, Lol, Lol, Lol, Lol, Lol.

자 다시 시작된 정은이의Q&A
Jung Eun's Q that started again.

10분 갑니다 시작
Let's go for 10 minutes. Start.

"지금 뭐해"
"What are you doing now."

침대에 누워있기
Lying in bed

"저녁 무엇을 먹을 예정이신가요..???"
"What are you going to eat for dinner?"

우동 먹었어요 ^^
I ate udon ^^

"갑자기 큐앤에이는 왜 하시는건가요? 어떤 심경변화가생기셧나요"
"Why are you suddenly doing Q&A? What kind of change of mind did you have?"

그냥 심심해서요 ㅇㅅㅇ
I'm just bored ㅇㅅㅇ

"향수 살건데 추천 좀 해주새여"
"I'm going to buy perfume, so please recommend me some."

이번에 딥디크 샀는데 좋더라구여
I bought Diptyque this time and it was good.

"일본에 오면 무엇을 먹고 싶습니까?"
"What do you want to eat when you come to Japan?"

음 스시..
Um, sushi...

"헉 딥디크 뭐? 손민수 할랭"
"What? Son Minsoo, Halin."

그..무화과 향기나는거..
The one that smells like figs.

"향수 바꿧어?? 그럼 내가 발다프리크 써야징"
"Did you change your perfume? Then I'll use Balda Freak."

모하비고스트도 샀어요 이번에 ^^발다프리크는 아직도 좋아합니다
I also bought Mohave Ghost. I still like ^^ Baldafrique this time.

"나 미용실 내일 갈까 모레 갈까??"
"Should I go to the hair salon tomorrow or the day after tomorrow?"


"딥디크 무화과 향이면 필로시코스??"
"If it's a Diptyque fig scent, then Pilocicos?"


"향수 손민수 해도 됩니꺼."
"You can be Son Minsoo, the perfume."

당연하죠 ㅇㅅㅇ
Of course ㅇㅅㅇ

"월드투어하면서 가장 기억남는 순간 있나요??"
"Is there a moment that you remember the most during the world tour?"

오빛들이 같이 노래 불러주는거...
Orbit singing with me...

"루미너스 뮤비 촬영 티엠아이..?"
"Luminus music video shoot T.M."

저랑 진솔언니 고원이는 10-15분 찍고 끝남요
JinSoul, GoWon and I will finish after 10-15 minutes.

"루미너스 안무 배우긴 했어?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ"
"Did you learn the choreography of Luminus?(Laughs)"

아직요...일본 가기전에 빠바바밧 배우고 가야해요..
Not yet... I have to learn it before I go to Japan.

"저메추 해주세요💖"
"Please recommend dinner menu.💖"

Shabu shabu💖

"피자먹고 산책가기 vs 라면먹고 산책가기"
"Taking a walk after eating pizza vs taking a walk after eating ramen."

I ate pizza...

"그럼 루미너스 뮤비 제스처는 다 정으니가 알아서 한 건가"
"Did you do all the Luminus music video gestures on your own?"

그쵸..안무가 없으니까여...🥲
Right... Since there's no dance...🥲

"나는 양고기 먹는중😋 양고기는 좋아하나요??"
"I'm eating lamb 😋 Do you like lamb?"

저는 양고기...싫어해용
Lamb meat...I don't like it.

"나는 삼겹살 먹눈 중이야 "
"I'm eating pork belly meat."

It looks delicious.

"정은이 이제 저녁시간 머하면서 보낼고예요"
"Jungeun is going to spend his dinner time."

I'm just... I'm just gonna roll around.

"오리고기는 좋아해요?"
"Do you like duck meat?"

It's delicious. 💖

"닭, 돼지, 소 좋은 순서 알려주"
"Chicken, pork, and beef. Tell me the order."

소 닭 돼지
Cows, chickens, and pigs.

"저 지금 노래방인데 무슨 노래부를까요?"
"I'm at a karaoke room. What song should I sing?"


The end.

이제 자려구요
I'm going to bed now.

...왤케 빨리잘까 나는
...how can I go to bed early?

뭔가 배고파
I'm hungry.

그냥 자버려야지
I'm just going to sleep.

다들 모하는데
What are you all doing?

굿모닝 흠냐
Good morning. Hmm.

I'm sleepy.

엄마 나 십분만
Mom, give me 10 minutes.

(학교 다니면서 한 번도 안 한 사람 나야나)
(It's me who never did it while attending school)

초등학교 시절6년개근
I worked in elementary school for 6 years.

중학교 3년개근
Three years in middle school.

In high school...

연습생 시절로 인한
Because of my trainee days,


"오아써로 대체"
"Replace with Oaser"

That's right.

밥 먹었당
I ate.

그냥 밥...
Just rice...

근데 먹고나니가 졸려...
But after eating, I'm sleepy...