2022 09 19 3142
Clap, clap, clap.
우리 오아써 5년동안 너무 좋아해주셔서 감사해요💖
Thank you so much for liking OASER for the past 5 years.💖
"머보고잇니 뒤에소리들린다"
"What are you looking at? I can hear the sound behind you."
일본여행 브이로그 보고 있삼
I'm watching the Vlog of my trip to Japan.
"일본 유니버셜 가봤어?"
"Have you been to Universal Studios Japan?"
No, it's not.
일본은 여행 가본적이 아예 없구 일만 가봤어요..
I have never traveled to Japan, so I have only been to work.
그리고 이상하게 일본에서는 day off가 전혀 항상 없었어서
And strangely, there was no day off in Japan.
일본을 즐길 시간이 없었어요..
I didn't have time to enjoy Japan.
이번도 같습니다...
It's the same this time...
일본가서 일만하다가 바로 입국
After working in Japan, I entered Korea right away.
꼬오오옥 일본여행 가봐야지
I should go on a trip to Japan.
근데 사실 유럽 안 간다고 했지만
I said I wouldn't go to Europe,
유럽여행 가보고 싶어요
I want to go on a trip to Europe.
넘 조아
It's so nice.
뭔가 여유롭게 즐겨보고 싶엉
I want to relax and enjoy it.
다들 모행
Everyone is doing a mock act of imitation.
다들 일찍부터 일하는구나..
Everyone is working early.
I'm busy...
우리 엄마들 화이팅💖
Fighting, my moms! 💖
나는 유튜브 보눈 중 ㅇㅅㅇ
I'm watching YouTube Bonun ㅇㅅㅇ
일본 브이로그는 다 봤지
I watched all the Japanese vlogs.
뭐보지 ㅇㅅㅇ
What should I watch? ㅇㅅㅇ
아 빅마우스 이제 봐야겠다
I should watch "Big Mouse" now.
"작은아씨들?? 봤어??"
"Did you see the little ladies?"
5화까지 봤지요
I watched up to episode 5.
"근데 마지막이 좀 이상해.. 빅마우스"
"But the last one is kind of weird. Big Mouse"
Is it already the last episode?
"수리남 어제 다 봤는데 재밌더라"
"I watched all of Suriname yesterday and it was fun."
나도 다 봤지롱
I've seen it all.
"이미 최종화 나왔어.. "
"The final episode is already out."
아앗..! 빨리 봐야지
Oh! I'm going to hurry up and watch it.
No spoilers.
"수리남 재밌으면 나르코스도 추천👍"
"If Suriname is fun, I recommend narcos. 👍"
"빅마우스는 나야."
"Big Mouse is me."
"정으니 웹툰 보는거 있어?"
"Is there any webtoon you read?"
옛날에는 진짜 많이 봤는데 고딩때 지금은 안봐요..
I used to watch it a lot, but I don't watch it now when I was in high school.
"존윅 봤어?? 나 존윅 이제서야 보는데 겁나 재밌다..👍"
"Did you see Johnwick? I just saw Johnwick and it's really fun.👍"
많이 들어봤는데 재밌어여?
I've heard it a lot. Is it fun?
"언니 휴대폰 없으니까 심심하겠다"
"You must be bored because you don't"
난 괜찮아...
I'm fine...
"존윅 그냥 다 뚜들겨 때리고 죽이는 영화 ㅋㅋ 🤣"
"Johnwick just a movie where everyone is beaten and killed lol 🤣"
앗 그러면...혈압올라서 못봐..
Oh, then...I can't see it because my blood pressure went up.
"디즈니플러스 긁어보는건 어때요??"
"Why don't you scratch Disney Plus?"
디즈니 안 쓴다고 한 적 없는데요?^^.
I never said I don't use Disney.^^.
"정은 한국온김에 공조2봐봐 다니엘헤니님랑 현빈님보면 그냥 감탄나옴👍👍"
"Jungeun, while you're in Korea, watch Cooperation 2. Daniel Henney and Hyun Bin are just amazing. 👍👍"
공조1을 안 봤능뎅..
I didn't see air conditioning one.
"언니 근데 걱정되네요.. 손목은 어때요?? 아이패드가 손목을 더 다치지 않을까요?"
"But I'm worried. How's your wrist? Wouldn't the iPad hurt your wrist more?"
당연히 놓고하죠^^
Of course I'll let it go.^^
"아아패드거치대놓고하다가 얼굴맞은적잇나요"
"Have I ever gotten hit in the face while holding the pad?"
아찔하긴한데 저는 누워서도 손으로 들고 하는데 떨어뜨린적 있습니다 혼자서 .... 떼굴떼굴 눈물쪼르륵
It's a bit scary, but I hold it with my hand even when I'm lying down, but I dropped it. Alone... Tears rolling down my face down.
"내친구 그러다가 코에 실금갔오 조심혀"
"My friend got a crack in his nose. Be careful."
댑악 조심하세요 열분
Be careful of the dabbing sound. ten minutes
"안다쳤어? 나 아는애는 누워서 핸드폰하다가 얼굴에 떨궈서 코뼈 나갔었는데.... 다른 애는 치아깨짐.... 나는 입술 터짐...😂😂😂😂😂😂"
"You didn't get hurt? A friend of mine was lying down on his phone and dropped it on his face, so he got a nose bone... The other one's teeth are broken... My lips are cracked...😂😂😂😂😂😂"
"아이구ㅠㅠ 진짜 넘 아프더라.. 내친구 광대뼈 금갔었음ㅠㅠ조심해야 해,,"
"It really hurt so much. My friend's cheekbone was cracked, so you have to be careful."
It's a weapon.
"그니까 조심하세요 대각선으로 떨어지면 진짜..데미지가 잇더라 그냥 넓은판으로 맞으면 갠찬은데"
"So be careful. If you fall diagonally...There's damage. It's good if you get a wide."
진짜 상상가게 하시네...저는 다행히 넓은 판으로 맞긴 했습니다..
You're making me imagine it.Fortunately, I got hit with a wide plate.
"팬슬로 글씨 자주 써? 팬슬 사놓고보니 딱히 쓸만한 곳이 없는 것 갗기두.."
"Do you often write with your fans? When I bought the pansle, I found that there was no place to use it."
저는 연습 그거로 해서 메모해가면서 노래카피해용 ㅇㅅㅇ
I use practice to take notes and copy songs ㅇㅅㅇ
이제 나는 씻으러 갑니당
Now I'm going to wash up.
커피사러 나왔다
I came out to buy coffee.
난 으른이니까
Because I'm an adult.
ah ah