2022 09 16 3108
혹시라도 내가 나도 모르게 아이쿨라유드를 쓰고 있었을지도 ㅎ
Maybe I was using iKulayud without realizing it.
"맞아 정은아 나도 몰랐는데 내가 아이클라우드 쓰고 있더라 그래서 사진들이 클라우드에 들어가 있어서 사진을 찾을 수 있었어"
"Right, I didn't know, but I was using iCloud, so I was able to find the pictures because they were in the cloud."
어디서 확인 가능...?
Where can I check...?
"정은아 아이폰 애플ID랑 아이패드 애플ID랑 같은거 쓰지???"
"Jung Eun, you use the same iPhone Apple ID and iPad Apple ID, right?"
"그러면 아이패드의 포토앨범에도 사진이 있을거에요. 아니면 여기에 https://www.icloud.com/photos/"
"Then there will be pictures on the iPad's photo album. Or here, https://www.icloud.com/photos/."
Mr. Fab...!
It's sad news.
단 한 장 도
Not a single one.
There isn't.
"아이폰에 아이클라우드 로그인이 안돼있었나봐……"
"I guess I didn't log in to iCloud on my iPhone...…"
아마 용량 부족하다고 맨날 알림떠서 로그아웃 해놨나봐요
I think I logged out because there was a notification that I didn't have enough space.
나 이제부터 아이클라우드 쓴다
I'm going to use iCloud from now.
여러분 다글 백업하ㅛㅔ여
Everyone, back up your daggle.
이제 핸드폰 얘기는 그만하자...
Let's stop talking about cell phones.
어차피 달라지는건 없어..
Nothing's gonna change anyway.
앞으로 더 좋은 추억 쌓고
Let's make more special memories together.
새로운 폰에 예쁜사딘 많이 담아줄게여
I'll put a lot of pretty sardines in my new phone.
하디만 핑머는 안녕이야 여러분
But Pinkmer is bye, everyone.
Say goodbye...
"선생님 반년만 더"
"Teacher, for another half a year."
"전 14프로 보라색 살거에요…🥺 언니는요?"
"I'm going to buy 14% purple…🥺 What about you?"
고민중 ㅇㅅㅇ
Thinking ㅇㅅㅇ
내가 오래하긴 했나보다
I guess I did it for a long time.
다들 미련없이 보내주네..0
Everyone's sending it without hesitation.0
"아니 네 머리를 봐.. 끊긴머리 거의 귀까지 올라가있던대.."
"No, look at your hair. They said that the hair that was cut is almost up to their ears."
(Laughs) (Laughs)the end of the son of a son.
"보라정은이로만나 다음에는"
"See you next time with Borah Jeong-eun."
저 보라색 싫어하는데요.톤그로라서
I don't like purple.It's a tone-gro.
피부과 간다 내피부 돌려죠
I'm going to the dermatologist. Let's turn my skin around.
오늘 밤에 올게요...
I'll be back tonight.
이거 패드를 들고 나가야하나
Do I have to take the pad?
(Laughs) (Laughs)
"아이패드 들고다면서 팹하는거야?"
"You're going to pass around with your iPad?"
네에 타자 제법 잘 치됴
Yeah, I'm pretty good at typing.
나 진짜 로그인이 다 안돼서
I really can't log in to all of them.
쿠팡도 못시키고
I couldn't order Coupang either.
팹이랑 카톡만 하는 중
I'm only texting Fab.
행그폰 없어서 피부과에 저..매니저님이라우전화 한통만..
I don't have a hang phone, so the dermatologist...I'm the manager, so I just need to make a phone call.
이러는게 그려져
I can see you doing this.
다녀올게요 ㅎ안녕
I'll be back. Bye.
I got my nails done.
French? I got my nails done.
지금 피자 먹는 중
I'm eating pizza right now.
작은 아씨들?도 보고
Little ladies? I saw them.
스맨파 보는즁
I'm watching SMENG.
"What about Suriname? 🙃"
이미 다 봤죵 10시간 버스이ㄷㅎㅇ 할때
I've already seen it all. When the 10-hour bus goes "DHHhhhhhhhh.
Teacher Hyunkyu.(Laughs)
You, too.
우리쌤 화이팅~~~
Our teacher, fighting!
어때 화이팅💖
What do you think? Fighting 💖
"환혼은 1화보고 포기한듯ㅎ"
"I think I gave up my marriage after watching the first episode."
사실 안 봄...
Actually, I didn't watch it...