2022 09 13 3082
나는 이제 도착했는데 체크인 시간이 안돼서 기다리는 중 ㅇㅅㅇ
I just arrived, but I'm waiting because I can't check-in ㅇㅅㅇ
여기는 와이파이 잘된다
Wi-Fi is working well here.
행 복 해
아직 기다리는 중 ㅇㅅㅇ
Still waiting ㅇㅅㅇ
들어와서 씻었당
I came in and washed up.
Whoo Whoo Whoo
드라마 보고 싶은데...
I want to watch a drama...
수리남 다 봤어요
I watched all of Suriname.
이제 뭐보지
What should I watch now?
잼써 ㅇㅅㅇ
It's so fun ㅇㅅㅇ
아맞다 기묘한이야기
Oh, that's right. Strange stories.
I don't want to see it.
작은 아씨들 ,빅마우스 외국이라 못봐여....
Little ladies, Big Mouse is a foreign country, so I can't see it.
"립이 무서운거못봐?"
"You can't watch scary lipsticks?"
"우영우는 다 봤어?"
"Woo Young, did you watch it all?"
흐름이 끊겨서..안보려구요,,
The flow was cut off.I'm not going to watch it.
"See you."
"환혼어때?? 보보경심려 좋아하면 이것도 좋아할듯"
"How about getting married? If you like Bobo, you'll like this, too."
나 보보경심려 진짜 좋아하는데 믿고 바로 환혼 보러 갑니다
I really like Bo Bo Kyung Shim. I trust you and go to see your wedding.
좋응 아침💖
Good morning 💖
다들 모행
Everyone is doing a mock act of imitation.
나는 침대에서 뒹굴,,
I roll around in bed.
누텔라 비스켓 먹는데 너무 맛있다....
I'm eating Nutella biscuit and it's so delicious...
영국왔으니까 티백 사가고 시팡뎅
Since we're in the U.K., buy a tea bag.
"As a gift?"
제가 먹을라고요^^...켘
I'm going to eat it. ^^...Keke.
"포트넘앤메이슨! 여기가 영국왕실에 차 납품하는곳이구, 본인커스텀가능한 티백도 판매한댕"
"Fortnum and Mason! This is where the tea is delivered to the British royal family, and he also sold his customizable tea bags."
어 감사합니다🥲❤️
Oh, thank you. ❤️