2022 09 06 3021
다들 잘시간인가
Is it time for everyone to sleep?
오늘도 고생했어요
You did a great job today.
Do, do, do, do, do, do!
뭐가 맛있어요 여기는 ㅇㅅㅇ
What's good here ㅇㅅㅇ
호텔을 들어왔는데
I came back to the hotel.
노을이 보이네여
I can see the sunset
It's Ppu-ne.
😀수영장은 없습니다
😀 There is no swimming pool.
"Fab came in.
I can see Kim Lip.
It's pretty. 💖"
What? 💖
호텔에 드라이기 고장나서 지금 머리축축^^....
My hair is wet because the dryer is broken at the hotel. ^^...
I dried it.
근데 너무 춥다
But it's so cold.
너무 추워서 가디건 입고 잤어여
It was so cold that I wore a cardigan to sleep.
여기는 비가와요 ㅇㅅㅇ
It's raining here. ㅇㅅㅇ
조식 먹어따
I had breakfast.
드라마 추천 받습니다.
I'm taking drama recommendations.
"안주 추천해조~.~"
"Recommend a side dish."
Shellfish Soup
Ten minutes.
"드라마 이름이 조개탕인줄.."
"I thought the name of the drama was clam soup."
"정은이만의 해외에서 추석보내는 방법은 뭐야??"
"What is your own way to spend Chuseok abroad?"
나도 처음이라서...모르겠네요..?!!!
It's my first time too...I don't know.
"아이스크림 딸기맛 먹을까 바닐라맛 먹을까"
"Should I eat strawberry or vanilla ice cream?"
요즘엔 딸기도 맛있드라구요 딸기~
Strawberries are delicious these days. Strawberries.
"지금 휴게소인데 휴게소에서 먹을 거 추천해주세여~"
"We're at a rest area, so please recommend something to eat at the rest area."
음음음 핫바
Mm-hmm. Hot bar.
"립이의 가장 최근 구매는 무엇입니까?"
"What is Lip's most recent purchase?"
올리브영세일해서... 화장품..? 옷이었나.?...
Olive Young on sale... Cosmetics? Was it clothes?
"투어끝나면 바아로 머리 덮을겅가~~~"
"I'm going to cover my hair with baa after the tour."
Do you want it?
Okay! I'm so firm!
"Blonde hair."
금발은 앞으로n년 뒤에^^...
Blonde hair in n years ^^...
"언니 저 자랑할거잇음 공모전 나갓는데 예선 붙엇다✌🏻"
"I have something to brag about. I participated in the contest and I got the preliminary round. ✌🏻"
다 같이 외쳐요 "서랑아! 축 하 해~~!!"
Let's shout it out together. "Seo-rang! Congratulations!"
"후드 vs 맨투맨"
"Hoodies vs sweatshirts."
음 예전에는 맨투맨 진짜 안 조아했는데 요즘엔 둘 다 좋아요 다른 매력~
I really didn't like sweatshirts before, but these days, I like both. Different charms.
"favorite song these days?? "
"favorite song these days??"
내가 만든..쿠키이.....
The cookies I made...
"니트는 어때"
"How's the knit?"
That's nice. 👍
"서랑아 축하해 본선에도 함께해"
"Seorang, congratulations. Join us for the finals."
"추석지나면 몇키로가 쪄있을까 두렵다"
"I'm afraid how many kilograms I'll gain after Chuseok."
나도 귀국하면 몸무게 재는게 무섭다.
I'm also scared to weigh myself when I return home.
"오늘 점심 메뉴는 뭐에요"
"What's today's lunch menu?"
공연날은 항상 한식을 먹죠.
I always eat Korean food on the day of the concert.
"송편 밤 vs 깨"
"Songpyeon chestnuts vs sesame seeds."
완전 깨!!!
Completely wake up!
"뭐가살쪄 내 어깨에 걸치고 다녀도 되겠던데"
"What do you mean fat? You can wear it on my shoulder."
언니 어깨 탈골
Your shoulder dislocation.
"꿀떡이 좋아"
"I like honey rice cake."
저도 꿀떡 조아해요 꿀떡 최애
I like honey rice cake, too. My favorite.
콩도 있어..?
Do you have beans?
"술떡도 좋아"
"I like sultteok, too."
the end of the son of a son.
외국 오빛들은 떡 먹어봤나??ㅇㅅㅇ
Orbit from abroad, have you eaten rice cake?ㅇㅅㅇ
를 영어로 말해줄사람
a person who can speak English
""wuebits have u tried ddeok before??" ddeok is rice cake "
""wuebits have u tried ddeok before??" ddeok is rice cake"
떡볶이로 먹어봤나
Did I eat it with tteokbokki?
라볶이 먹고싶다
I want to eat rabokki.
십분 지났다.
Ten minutes have passed.
드라마 추천 받아요
I'm taking drama recommendations.
작은아씨들 빅마우스 받았습니다
Little ladies, Big Mouse.
Here we go.