2022 09 01 2975

Excuse me...

혹은 쏘리
Or sorry.

이럴때 엥.
At times like this.

A month's living?

It's funny.

근데 입앞까지만 오고 안말함
But he didn't say anything.

그리고 혼자 현타와서
And I got hit with reality by myself.


이라고 생각하고
That's what I think.

Wake up... Kim Jong Un.


이제 안 그래야지
I won't do that anymore.

하지만 나 곧 떠나
But I'm leaving soon.

내가 팝콘먹다가 치아 깨진 거 말해줬나
Did I tell you that I broke my teeth while eating popcorn?

한 달전에
A month ago.

Oh, that’s why.

치과 왔지요
I came to the dentist.

"립이는 치과 무섭고 그런건 없어? ㅋㅋ"
"Lip, are you scared of the dentist? lol"

원래 하나도 안 무서웠거든요 충치치료한 적이 없ㅇ서 근데...이번일로 무서워짐 아프더라..
I wasn't scared at all. I've never had a cavity treated, but...I'm scared because of this. It hurts.

"치과냄새 좋아해?"
"Do you like the smell of the dentist?"

저 조아해요
I like it.

"??? 충치 치료한적에 없어???? 대단하노.."
"??? You've never had a cavity treated? That's amazing."

단음식 좋아하는 사람치고 좀 대단한듯
For someone who likes sweet food, I think it's amazing.

저번에 매니저님이 초콜렛 드시길래 뭐 드세요 이랬는데 초콜렛이요 드시래요? 아 근데 양치 다시하셔야하니까 안 드릴게요
Last time, my manager asked me what I was going to eat because I was eating chocolate. Do you want chocolate? But you have to brush your teeth again, so I won't give it to you.

Like this.

희진이 브이로긐 ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋㅋ에서
In Heejin's VLOG...

양치 다시한다고 햄ㅅ던거 보고
I saw you brushing your teeth again.

"정은이 밥은 먹고 갔어? 마취하게되면 두시간 정도 못먹는뎅"
"Did you eat before you left? I can't eat for two hours under anesthesia."

근데 이미 한달전에 고쳐놔서 마취는 그때했지요 오늘은 검진받는날
But I fixed it a month ago, so I got anesthesia then. Today is the day of the checkup.

"매니저님 어떤 의미로 또 스윗하시네"
"Manager, you're so sweet."

ㅋㅋㄱㅋㄱㅋㄱㅋㄱㅋㄱㅋㄱㅋㄱㅋㄱ ㅠㅠㅠ
Lol, Lol, Lol, Lol, Lol, Lol, Lol.

"치과 치료 돈 많이 깨짐 제발 조심하세요...^^"
"Dental treatment money is broken please be careful...^^"

그니까...다들 ...조심ㅎ하세요 한살한살 먹어갈 수록 병원에 돈 많이 쓰더라..
So... Everyone...Be careful. As you get older, you spend more money on hospitals.

"정은이도 마취된 입술 신기해서 손으로 꾹꾹 누른 적 있나용 "
"Jungeun, have you pressed your lips with your hands because it's interesting?"

오물오물 씹어요
Chew. Chewing.

"그래서 나 연말정산 하면 의료비가 매년 최소 300만원 이상 나와 "
"So when I do year-end tax adjustment, the medical expenses... It costs at least 3 million won every year."


"님들 진짜 양치 열심히 하세요.."
"Everyone, brush your teeth well."

만두 said
Dumpling said.

"여러분 운동합시다,,나이 들수록 기초대사량 떨어지는거 알죠,,, 나는 진짜 살기위해서 운동해,,"
"Everyone, let's exercise, you know that the basal metabolism decreases as you get older, I really exercise to live."

레오 said
Leo said.

"립님, 아까 이야기하신 … 나와서 오타를 못본다고 하신게 어디서 그런건가요? 투표 만드실 때 그런가요? 아니면 댓글에서?"
"LIM, what you mentioned earlier... Where did that come from when you said you couldn't see the typo? Is it like that when you make a vote? Or in the comments?"

안녕하세요.!.!! 아니에여 제가 조종법을 잘 몰랐던...죄송해여^^ 팹아저씨 잘못없어.!.!.!.!.!.!!..!
Hello! No, I didn't know how to control it.I'm sorry. ^^ Fab man, it's not your fault. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

스케일링 했는데
I scaled it.

이거 이렇게..아픈거였냐
Like this...Were you sick?

피는 안 나는데 겁나 시렵다..
It doesn't bleed, but it's freezing.

저 요즘에 잇몸이
These days, my gums...

Should I say it hurts?

그래서 양치도 너무 아파
So brushing my teeth hurts, too.


교정하고도 시간지나니까 잇몸이 안 좋은거 확나타나
After getting braces, my gums suddenly show up.

(Sound effects)

나 그래서 요즘 찬거 못먹어
That's why I can't eat cold food these days.


바로 나야
It's me.

"치아에 제일 안 좋은 거... !!젤리!! 상대적으로 초콜릿은 그나마 좀 낫대 치아에서 비교적 잘 씻겨나가서"
"The worst thing for your teeth... Jelly! They say chocolate is better because it washes off relatively well."

아 요즘 좋아했는데
I've been liking it lately.

"진정한 어른의 음료는 미지근한 물이야 정은아.. 어른이 되고있구나"
"The real adult drink is lukewarm water, Jungeun. You're becoming an adult."

ㅋ ㅋ ㅋㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋㅋ ㅋ ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Lol. Lol. Lol. Lol. (Laughs)

전동칫솔 잇몸치아에 안좋은가
Is the electric toothbrush bad for gum teeth?

안좋대여 안써야지
It's not good. I won't use it.

"전동칫솔을 쓰면 이빨이 사라진다고 생각해 보세요.."
"Imagine if you use an electric toothbrush, your teeth will disappear."

It's scary.

Dyeing the roots.