2022 08 25 2899
good night..
good night..
저는 이제 도착했습니다...
I just arrived...
새벽4시 18분
It's 4:18am.
5 o'clock.
i ate pizza
i ate pizza
the last day in the U.S
the last day in the U.S
cheese or pepperoni?
cheese or pepperoni?
한국 와서 제일 먼저 뭐 먹을거야 ㅋㅋ 귱금해
ㄴ 국밥..
What are you going to eat first when you come to Korea? LOL. It's a shame.
b Rice soup...
이제 저는 잡니다..
Now I'm going to sleep.
와!! 무슨 국밥 제일 좋아해??? 순대,콩나물,돼지???
ㄴ 저는 콩나물국밥...우거지국밥
Wow! What kind of gukbap do you like the most? Soondae, bean sprouts, pork?
b For me, bean sprout rice soup...Beef and Pork Soup with Rice Soup
with 깍두기
With Kkakdugi.
뜨끈한 국물 땡깁니다
I'm craving hot soup.
한국 날씨 어떰
How is the weather in Korea?
It's gotten cooler.
멕시코...잘 다녀오것습니다
Mexico... I'll be back safely.
Good night.