2022 08 18 2792
not yumyum song.
not yumyum song.
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 매니저님들 너무 재밌으신 것 같앜ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
ㄴ 우리 매니저님들 진짜 웃겨
(Laughs) I think the managers are having so much fun.(Laughs)
Our managers are so funny.
웃긴 썰 하나만 들려조
ㄴ 우리 단톡방에서 막
멤버: 혹시... 저 픽업 누가해주시나요?
매니저님: 바로 나!
Tell me a funny story.
In our group chat room, Member: By any chance... Who will pick me up? Manager: It's me!
Like this.
약간 킹받아 ㅋ
He's kind of like a king.
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 너무 웃기넼ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 혹시 매니저님들 MBTI 뭔지 알고 있어??
한분은 enfp..
(Laughs) It's so funny.(Laughs) Do you know what MBTI is?
One person is enfp...
세분중 누군지 맞춰볼사람
Who wants to guess who it is?
교복입은 매니저님 맞죠
ㄴ 빙고
It's our manager in school uniform.
b Bingo
T lol gol gol gol(Laughs)
모르시는 분들을 위해
For those who don't know,
그 저희가 교복 팬싸 했을 때 시키지도 않았는데 갑자기 교복을 입고 등장하심
At the fan signing event, we didn't even ask them to do it, but they suddenly appeared in school uniforms.
혹시 공연4개 착장 중 가장 보고 싶은 사진을 알려주세요
Can you tell us the picture that you want to see the most out of the four outfits?
다는 안돼요.
I can't do.
왜냐며는요 셀카랑 남찍사도 회사에 보내야해서 숙제는 남겨놔야해요
Because I have to send selfies and pictures of men to the company, so I have to save homework.
국모닝 눈한쪽만 뜨거 하는둥
Kook morning. Just one eye is hot.
We're going to New York.
그리고 고백할거 나 요즘 렌즈 안껴
And I don't wear contact lenses these days.
눈 좀 아껴보려고
I'm trying to save my eyes.
나는 시력이 괜찮아서 ...
I have good eyesight.
4주년 축하해 줘서 너무 고마워요💖
Thank you for celebrating our 4th anniversary.💖
앞으로도 천천히 오래 좋은 추억쌓자💖
Let's continue to make good memories slowly and for a long time.💖
그리고 오래오래 건강하자
And let's stay healthy for a long time.
몸도 마음도 내 사람들 아프지않게 해주세요
Please don't let my people get sick, both physically and mentally.
내가 부적같은 존재가 되어줄게
I'll be your talisman.
행복만 가져다 줄게
I'll only bring you happiness.