2022 08 10 2695
진짜 깊었어요 근데 ㄹㅇ 찐으로 애들이 물에 빠져서
It was really deep. But really, they fell into the water.
희진이는 많이 놀랐는데 여진이는 재밌대
Heejin was really surprised, but Yeojin said it was fun.
Should I hit you?
그리고 여러분
And everyone.
제가 생각해 봤는데 물에 뜨는게 1번이 아니에요
I've been thinking about it. Floating is not number one.
기본기가 있어서 물에서도 뜰 수가 있어요 그러니까 물에 안 뜬다고 수영을 못한다라는건 말도 안되는 얘기
You can float in the water because you have the basics. It's ridiculous that you can't swim even if you don't float in the water.
다들 나는 물에 안떠ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ무서워ㅠㅠㅠ라고 하는데 그럼 발차기부터 하세요...
I'm not floating in the water.[Crying]You're saying it's scary. Then kick first.
수영잘하면 듣는 소리 -우와!나도 수영알려줘! -물에 어떻게 떠??!!! -나 구해줘야해~~~~ -보여줘보여줘~!~!~!!~!
The sound you hear when you swim well.
Wow! Teach me how to swim, too!
How do you float in the water?
You have to save me.~~~
Show us! Show us!~!~!!~!
and so on.
구해주는건 결이 달라 ㅡ3ㅡ 라이프가드 따기 엄청 힘든데ㅠ 수영만 한다고 다 구할 수 있는 게 아니라고..!
ㄴ 맞아요..사실 수영을 잘 한다고해서 물에 빠진사람이 끌어내리면 같이 빠질 위험이 있다는거...
It's hard to get a lifeguard. You can't save everything just by swimming...!
That's right. Actually, just because you're a good swimmer, if a drowning man drags you down, there's a risk of falling together.
다들 물놀이 조심 ㅇㅅㅇ
Everyone, be careful with the water ㅇㅅㅇ
키킼 이제 좀 졸리네...
I'm a little sleepy now.
나는 잘게요 안녕💖💖
I'm going to sleep. Bye 💖💖
Good morning 💖
이 아니구나
No, it's not.
잘자 한국오빛들💖
Good night, ORBIT in Korea 💖
오늘 공연 오는사람~?
Who's coming to the concert today?
재밌게 놀아요💖 좀 있다가 보장
Have fun. 💖 Guaranteed in a little while
머리하는 중
Doing my hair.
뭐했으면 좋겠어여
What do you want me to do?
의상이 한정적이어서 머리 고르는 것도 힘들군..^^
It's hard to choose my hair because my outfit is limited.^^
양갈래 이런거 하고 싶어도 못함
I can't do pigtails even if I want to.
미안 ..7^🫠
반묶음이 많군 다행이다 오늘 반묶음 했어요^^❤️
There's a lot of half-up ponytails. That's a relief. I did a half-up ponytail today.^^❤️
지금 하는 중
I'm doing it right now.
한국 오빛들은 다 자고 있겠죠?
음 어제는 무대를 끝까지 다 하지 못해서 미안해요
지금은 Louisville에 가는 비행기에 탔어요 내일은 웃으면서 봐요 응원해 줘서 고맙고 내일봐요:)
I'm sure ORBIT in Korea are all sleeping, right?
I'm sorry that I couldn't finish the performance yesterday.
Now I'm on a plane to Louisville. See you tomorrow with a smile. Thank you for cheering me on. See you tomorrow :)
잘자고 내일 봐요:)
Good night and see you tomorrow :)
thank you for coming today💋🌹
thank you for coming today💋🌹
립아아 눈감고 '이달의소녀 땡땡땡 5000번 듣기' 치면 핸드폰 중독이래 ㅋㅋㅋ(미리 'ㅇ'에 손 가있으면 안댐!)
이달의소녀 땡땡땡5000번 듣기
진심 저 중독자
If you close your eyes and type, "Listen to 'LOONA' 5,000 times," they say you're addicted to your phone. LOL (If you have a hand on 'O' in advance, don't touch it!)
Listen to this song 5,000 times.
Seriously, I'm an addict.
박채원도 시켰는데
I ordered Park Chaewon too.
지금 공항에 강아지가 있는데 미쳤어요
There's a dog at the airport and it's crazy.
너무 귀여워
You look so cute.
ㅇㅕ러분들의 추천을 받습니다
I'm taking recommendations from ㅕ러.
플립으로 갈아탈지 472919173931번째 고민중
472919173931th time thinking about whether to switch to flip.
아이폰에서 갤럭시로가면 많이 불편할까요..?
Would it be very inconvenient to go from iPhone to Galaxy?
저플립3부터 고민했는데
I've been thinking about it since then.
맥북은 어쩌고 아이패드는 어쩌고 에어팟은 어쩌고 에어팟맥스는 어쩌고 애플은 어쩌고 갤럭시로 가!!!
What about the MacBook?
What about the iPad?
What about AirPods?
What about AirPods Max?
What about Apple, go to Galaxy!!!
b... That's right.
솔직히 사진은 제가 진짜 잘 안찍는 편이라 뭐 괜찮을 거 같긴한데 배터리가 걸리네요,,
To be honest, I don't take pictures very often, so I think it'll be okay, but the battery is stuck.
세컨폰을 가지고 다닐바엔 아이폰을 쓰는게^.^..
I'd rather use an iPhone than carry a second phone.^..
다들 의견이 다르군..
Everyone has a different opinion.
아이폰도14가 나와요..? 왤케 빨리나와
Does iPhone also have 14? Why are you coming out so fast?
세월의 속도를 못따라가겠다...
I can't keep up with the speed of time.
하루하루를 그냥 지나가다보면 뒤돌아보면 8월
If you just pass by each day, it's August.
뒤돌아보면 12월이더라고,,
Looking back, it was December.
그리고 어느덧 20대 중반..
And I'm already in my mid-20s...
여기 호텔이 ㄴ내 감성을 자극하네7*...창밖으로 나무가 바람을 타고 흩날려^^...~~
This hotel is stimulating my emotions.A tree is flying in the wind outside the window ^^...~~
마치..마지막 잎새같아...
It's like... the last leaf.
잎새 본드로 다 붙여버릴거야
ㄴ ㅋㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋㅋ ㅋ ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
I'm gonna glue them all together.
(Laughs) (Laughs) (Laughs)
정은아ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 니지니가 너의 감성 이해못하겠다고 한닼ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
ㄴ ㅋㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋㅋ내가 피자 먹다 남은가 보면서 나:야 예쁘다 (찰칵찰칵)
전희진:...?(일단 찰칵찰칵)
Jungeun, I can't understand your emotions.(Laughs) (Laughs)
I was watching if I was left eating pizza. I: Hey, it's pretty. Jeon Hee-jin:...? (First of all, click)