2022 08 07 2640
여기ㅣ 진짜 덥다 날씨
It's really hot here.
what city are you in now?
what city are you in now?
Which city’s weather did you like the best?
Which city’s weather did you like the best?
지금까지 중에는
Of all the things I've done so far,
우영우 보는 중
I'm watching Woo Young.
It's fun.
한국 비와요?
Is it raining in Korea?
덴버도 비 온다네
It's raining in Denver, too.All right.
한국 비 ...진짜 많이 오나보다
Rain in Korea...There must be a lot of people a lot.
연어 베이글 먹었어여
I ate salmon bagels.
It's good.
한국 잘자요💖
Good night in Korea 💖
비 많이 온다며....
I heard it's raining a lot.
창문 열어놓고 왔는데
I left the window open.
너무 무섭다
It's so scary.
숙소 들어갔는데
I went back to the dorm.
워터파크면 어떡하지
What if it's a water park?
삼주동안 증발되겠지
It'll evaporate for three weeks.
그럼 오빛들이 좋아하는 수영하는 김정은 보여줄게요
Then I'll show you Kim Jong Un swimming, which ORBIT likes.
집에서 수영
Swimming at home
우리 집 10분 문 열어놨는데 비가 베란다를 지나쳐서 그냥 방까지 비가 들어오던데,, 근데 서울.. 이번 주 내내비와..^^
ㄴ 아 진짜로 두려워지는걸
I left the door open for 10 minutes, but it rained past the veranda and it just rained to the room, but Seoul... It's been raining all week.^^
Oh, I'm really scared.
회사에 전화해서.. 닫아달라구해.. 진짜 비 심각하게 많이와.. 와이파이 고장나서 아예먹통이야
ㄴ 회사에 사람 없어요^^ㅋ
I'll call the company and... Ask him to close it. It's raining really hard.
The Wi-Fi is broken, so it's completely dead.
There's no one in the company.^^ㅋ
다같이 미국을 왔거덩요
We're all in the States.
ㄴ원래 그런거 아녀..?
Someone left the door open when they were leaving the house empty.
Isn't that how it's supposed to be?
음... 제인 님?
ㄴ 오 이방밥이 빠를지도 ㅋ
Um... Jane?
Oh, this rice might be fast.
습한 집안 대충 마르면 곰팡이 ㄹㅈㄷ로 생기는 거 알죠
ㄴ 다들 겁주는거지~!!!?
You know, if you dry a damp house, you get moldy.
You're all scaring me, aren't
장기간 집을 비우는건 처늠이라..
It's a shame to be away for a long time.
당연히........ 문열고 가는줄...
Of course... I thought you were leaving the door open.
여러분 말이 회사람이 없다는거지^^...있긴해요
What you're saying is that you don't have company records ^^...I do.
At the company...
회 ? 맛있지 ㅋ
Raw fish? It's delicious.
광어회 vs 참치회 vs 연어회
ㄴ ㅇ저는 ...광어회 흰살생선 조아해요
Flatfish sashimi vs tuna sashimi vs salmon sashimi.
N... I...I like flatfish sashimi.
What are you doing?
왜 안 자고 있셔
Why aren't you sleeping?
얼른 주무셔
Hurry up and sleep.
Did you wake up?
thank you Kansas city
and good night💖
thank you Kansas city
and good night💖
아 그리고 창문 닫았습니다 경비실? 에 부탁했어요
Oh, and I closed the window. I asked the security office.
Don't worry.
다행히 하나도 안들어왔어 다행이야
Fortunately, none of them came in. I'm glad.
아직도 비가 오나요?
Is it still raining?
다들 조심 또 조심
Everyone, be careful.
내 최애 아이돌이 되어줘서 고마워
ㄴ 갬동🥲❤️❤️
Thank you for being my favorite idol.
🥲 Emotional ❤️❤️
이제 떠난다..
I'm leaving now.
bye kansas...
bye kansas...
and hi Chicago...
and hi Chicago...