2022 07 30 2478
튀김옷 = batter for deep frying
튀김옷 = batter for deep frying
batter아닌가봐 모르시네..?
I guess it's not battery. You don't know?
batter for deep frying 맞나봐
batter for deep frying 맞나봐
정은이 덕분에 하나의 지식 얻어간다요 batter for deep frying
ㄴ 이제 부모님한테 부모님이 너 하루종일 핸드폰만 보고 있니?!!!!!!!!이러시면 엄마,ㅋ 나 지금 윤선생 영어교실 하는거야 하고 말하세요
I'm gaining knowledge thanks to Jungeun. batter for deep frying
Now tell your parents that you're only looking at your phone all day long. Mom, I'm doing teacher Yoon's English class.
김선생 하겠음ㅁ
Mr. Kim will do it.
영어라기보다는 콩글리쉬라고 해주세요
ㄴ 그럼 미국에서 콩글리쉬로 살아남기 이런거 ?
Please say Konglish rather than English.
Like surviving Konglish in America?
하 still noisy outside
하 still noisy outside
im going crazy~~~
im going crazy~~~
orbit i have a question
orbit i have a question
crazy and insane의 차이
The difference between crazy and insane
loonatic에 insane이 나오던데
There's insane in loonatic.
Crazy means mad, especially as manifested in wild or aggressive behavior. Insane refers to a state of mind which prevents normal perception, behaviour, or social interaction.
ㄴ 아 잠깐만요 아wait
Crazy means mad, especially as manifested in wild or aggressive behavior. Insane refers to a state of mind which prevents normal perception, behaviour, or social interaction.
b Ah, wait a minute. Wait.
im going insane reading english.
im going insane reading english.
Applied kk
english queen! that was a good use of insane 💖
ㄴ 한국 오빛들은 다들 아니라는데..
english queen! that was a good use of insane 💖
All Orbit in Korea say no.
it basically means the same thing! the dictionary meaning is a little different, but you can use both as the same word 미치겠다 = i’m going crazy OR i’m going insane 둘 다 똑같아
ㄴ 오 i got it
it basically means the same thing!
the dictionary meaning is a little different, but you can use both as the same word
미치겠다 = i’m going crazy OR i’m going insane
They're both the same.
Oh, I got it.
여러분 english is confidence입니다
Everyone, English is confidence.
자신감을 가져요는 어케말해요
How can I say "Be confident"?
confident!not confidence!
ㅇㅋ english is donfident...
confident!not confidence!
ㅇㅋ english is donfident...
“Be confident!”
“Be confident!”
English is confidence is right!
ㄴ 네에~?~?~!~?!!!
English is confidence is right!
“English is confidence. Be confident!”
ㄴ 이거래요
“English is confidence. Be confident!”
b This is it.
confidence은 명사 confident는 형용사
한국인 특
Confidence is a noun.
Confident is an adjective.
Korean Teuk
약간 우리나라 사람들도 문법 헷갈리듯이 저분들도 헷갈리시나바
ㄴ 우리나라로 치면 약간 맞춤법 같은거 아닐까
Just like Korean people are confused with grammar, they must be confused too.
b It's like spelling in Korea.
english is all about feeling confident ✅ english is all about confidence ✅
ㄴ 어 렵 다
english is all about feeling confident ✅
english is all about confidence ✅
It's hard.
가족단톡에 엄마아빠한테
In the family group chat, to my mom and dad,
나 10년 전으로 돌아가서 유학 보내달라하고 싶다고 함
I want to go back 10 years and ask them to study abroad.
kim lip you’re adorable 🥹
ㄴ 땡큐🥲❤️ ( 칭찬하는 건 찰떡같이 알아들음)
kim lip you’re adorable 🥹
🥲 Thank you칭찬❤️ (I understand compliments perfectly)
but mom and dad said ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
but mom and dad said (Laughs) (Laughs)
희진 wake up~~
HeeJin, wake up!
let's have breakfast~~
let's have breakfast~~
악 어무니 아부지께서 뭐라고 하셨는뎈ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
ㄴ ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 이라고 하던데요 just laughed
What did your mother and father say?(Laughs)
She said, "LOL. just laughed
ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 이라고 했는데 흥
I said, "LOL".
what are you gonna have for breakfast today??
ㄴ ummmmm chicken wings and wrap
what are you gonna have for breakfast today??
ㄴ ummmmm chicken wings and wrap
yesterday we 고르고 잠
Yesterday, we pick one and sleep.
yesterday we choose and sleep huh?
yesterday we choose and sleep huh?
희진이 아직 안 일어났어요...
Heejin isn't up yet.
not wake up yet 이건가
Not wake up yet?
Is it this?
"heejin didnt wake up yet"
"heejin didnt wake up yet"
O O O O O O O.
I'm hungry...
im starving
im starving
아직도 밖에 소음은 ing?
Is there still noise outside?
나도 자야지
I'm going to sleep, too.
그녀가 일어났어요
She's up.
오빛 택시도 팁 줘야하나요 매니저님이랑 논쟁즁
Orbit, do I have to tip you? I have an argument with my manager.
팁문화 너무 어려워
Tipping culture is too hard.