2022 07 30 2468

밤되니까 좀 배고프네
I'm a little hungry at night.

My stomach is growling.

Good morning 💖

밥 먹는중💖
Eating 💖

오우 한국은 새벽3시?
Oh, it's 3am in Korea?

Good night 💖

난 이제 시작.
I'm just starting.

근데 졸리다
But I'm sleepy.

식곤증인지 시차적응인지
Is it food coma or jet lag?

jet lag....🫠
jet lag....🫠

but...i'm ok....
but...i'm ok....


헤어 메이크업 받는중
Getting my hair and makeup done.

Please recommend a Starbucks drink in the U.S🫠
Please recommend a Starbucks drink in the U.S🫠

자허블 좋지 ㅋ .
I like Hubble.

Caramel Ribbon Crunch 🥰

ㄴ 맛있겠다
Caramel Ribbon Crunch 🥰

b It looks delicious.

pineapple passionfruit lemonade

ㄴ wow
pineapple passionfruit lemonade

b wow

듣기만 해도 상큼
Refreshing just by listening to it.

Is it carbonated?