2022 07 27 2420
드디어 안과 간다...
Finally, I'm going to the eye doctor.
어제 가려고 했는데 원장님이 수술이 안 끝나서 한 시간 기다려야 한다고 하시길래
I was going to go yesterday, but the doctor said I had to wait for an hour because the surgery didn't end.
그냥 돌아왔어요,,
I just came back.
오랜만에 시력 검사했는데
It's been a while since I had an eye test.
It's fun.
되게 전문적이게 해주시네
You're so professional.
안과에서 하니까
Since it's an ophthalmologist,
아직 안 알려주셨는뒈
He hasn't told me yet.
진료볼때 알려주신대여
Rental that you told me during the medical examination.
It's fun.
여러분 그저 충혈.입니다 걱정마셔요
It's just bloodshot. Don't worry.
근데 대기가 좀 기네~?
But the atmosphere is kind of long.
이런 나보고 태양을 삼킨거라는 오빛 ...멋져
Orbit that I swallowed the sun...Cool
근데 대기자가 한 명도 없는데 대기를 한다요?
But there's no one waiting, but they're waiting.
이게 뭐지
What's this?
한 달치 캐리어
a month's worth of luggage
I'm going to wrap it's a wrap.
한달동안 어디를 나간적이 음서서
I've been out of nowhere for a month.
추리닝만 싸가야지..
I'm just going to pack my sweatpants.
I'm working on my nails.
보여줄게요 잠시만
I'll show you. Hold on.
밥은 목었나~?
Did you choke on your rice?
아직 안 목었어...
I'm not thirsty yet.
어제 혼자 회 먹었어요
I ate sashimi alone yesterday.
미국가면 못 먹겠지 하고
I thought I wouldn't be able to eat it in the States.
회 맛있엉~~~
Sashimi is good!
저는 초장 간장 둘 다 먹어요
I eat both red chili-pepper paste with vinegar and soy sauce.
오늘 마지막이니까
Today is the last day.
한국 음식 끝내주는 거 ㅇ먹고 가야지
I'm going to eat something amazing.
추천 받아요
I'll take recommendations.
육회 맛있겠네..
Yukhoe sounds good.
로제찜닭 맛있엤네
Rose jjimdak sounds good.
뼈해장국도 맛나겠네
Pork rib hangover soup sounds good, too.