2022 07 24 2380

안 먹었어....
I didn't eat...

맞아 사실 움직이는게 최고야
Yeah, moving is the best thing.

오늘도 고생했어요💖
You did a great job today.💖

푹 자요
Sleep tight.

나도 퇴근한당
I'm going home, too.


나tmi 얘기해도 되나
Can I say TMI?

저 오늘 치과갔다가 스ㅖ줄 갔어요
I went to the dentist today and went to the dentist.

치과 왜 갔냐면
The reason I went to the dentist...


two days ago

팝콘 먹다가
I was eating popcorn.

옥수수를 맞바꿔서
Let's exchange corns.

이가 깨졌어요
My tooth is broken.

(Laughs)Go, go, go, go.

근데 두개나 깨져서
But two of them broke.

오늘 가서 갈고 틀 잡고 왔어요
I went there today and sharpened the frame.

근데 웃긴게 저는 그게 옥수수인 줄 알고
But the funny thing is, I thought it was corn.

Did you chew it?

근데 너무 딱딱해서 뱉었단 말이죠?
But you spit it out because it was too hard, right?

😂근데 그게 치아였음
😂 But if it was a tooth


아프진 않았어요
It didn't hurt.

아팠으면 알았겠죠?
You'd know if it hurt, right?


아니? 안 웃겨
No, it's not funny.


어쩌다 이렇게 횡당한 일이
How did this happen?

근데 치과를 갈 시간도 없는거있죠
But I don't have time to go to the dentist.

너무 서러웠어
I was so sad.



왼쪽 어금니
the left molar

투어연습하고 스케줄하느라
I practiced for the tour and had to work.


미국 가기전에 해야하는데
I have to do it before I go to America.

The time...

나도 치아 tmi있는데 감자튀김 먹다가 어금니가 뿌러진적있어요..

ㄴ 대박 전세계 오빛에게 공개
I also have a tooth TMI, but I broke my molar while eating French fries.

b Amazing. Revealed to ORBIT all over the world.


ㄴ 아뇨 애기때 충치치료 했었는데 그게 점점 부서져서 깨졌나봐여
Why are your teeth so weak?Did you laminate it?

No, I had a cavity treatment when I was a baby, but it gradually broke and I guess it broke.

나만 그런거 아니네 난 새우튀김 먹다 뿌러짐

ㄴ 대박
It's not just me. I broke while eating fried shrimp.

b. That's

미국가서 치료할려면 천오백억 나오니깐 시간 부족해도 꼭 치료하고가~

ㄴ t엄마
If you go to the US and treat it, 150 billion won will come out, so make sure to treat it even if you don't have enough time.

Not mom.

언니를 1g도 잃고 싶지 않았는데 ••• 😂

ㄴ 서윗걸
I didn't want to lose a gram of you ••••😂

b Sweet girl


I'm hungry.

씻구 왔다
I washed up.

머리 말리는데 반나절
I was drying my hair for half a day.

I'm dying.

잘자요 모두💖
Good night everyone 💖

오늘도 고생했어요 다들
You did a great job today. Everyone