2022 07 04 1984

언니 나중에 미국 여행갈때 꼭 챙겨가야할 물건이 뭐야?

ㄴ 투어?! 음....충전기...세면도구...
What must you bring when you travel to America later?

A tour? Um... Charger...Toiletries...

근데 그 빨간색 인이어는 그때 콘서트때 깨졌던 그 인이어가 아냐?

ㄴ 고쳤지요~
But isn't the red in-ear the one that broke at the concert?

I fixed it.

외국인들에게 추천하고 싶은 한국 음식?

ㄴ bhc치즈볼 ,뿌링클
Korean food that I want to recommend to foreigners?

BHC Cheese Ball, Bburinkle.

라면 끓일때 수돗물 vs 생수 뭘로 끓여??

ㄴ 수돗물.
When you cook ramen, how do you cook tap water or bottled water?

b tap water

정은아 정은이는 한림예고를 선택한 이유가 머야?

ㄴ청주에 살아서 서울로 올라가야 기회가 더 많을 거라고 생각했어요 그래서 서울로 올라갔지여👍
Jung Eun, why did you choose Hanlim Arts School?

I thought I would have more chances if I lived in Cheongju and went to Seoul. So I went up to Seoul. 👍

뿌링클 순살 vs 뼈

ㄴ 뼈...순살 맛없어
Bburinkle. Boneless vs. bone.

I don't like boneless meat.

서울로 처음 혼자 가고 연예인이 되겠다고 했을때 부모님의 반대나 걱정은 없었어?

ㄴ 엄청 반대하셔서 학교간다고 하고 실기보러 서울 혼자 올라갔다왔어요 반대가 너무 심하셔서 걱정도 됐지만 그래도 결국엔 가족들의 희생과 응원이 있었기에 김립이 될 수가 있었죠💖
When you first went to Seoul alone and said you would become a celebrity, did your parents have any objections or concerns?

She was really against it, so she said she was going to school and went up to Seoul alone to take the test. I was worried because the opposition was so severe, but in the end, I was able to become Kim Lip thanks to the sacrifice and support of my family.💖

favorite movie? ㄴ 스타이즈본, 어바웃타임, 미녀와 야수
favorite movie? Star Is Born, About Time, Beauty and the Beast

은쪽이도 청주에서 쫄쫄호떡이랑 APM떡볶이 자주 갔었어??

ㄴ 저는 떡볶이를 자주먹지 않아서...거의 안 갔어요..
Did you go to Jjoljjol Hotteok and APM Tteokbokki often in Cheongju?

b I don't eat tteokbokki often...I barely went.

지금은 머 듣구있어??

보아 선배님 milky way
What are you listening to now?

BoA's Milky Way.

what’s the first thing you want to do in LA? ㄴ 해외 오빛들이랑 얼굴보고 인사하기🥲❤️
what’s the first thing you want to do in LA? b To greet ORBIT overseas face to face ❤️

are you excited for tour? ㄴ 예스...so excited... and nervous
are you excited for tour? ㄴ 예스...so excited... and nervous

정은이가 사복 입을 때 제일 중요하게 생각하는 것은? ex) 양말, 신발, 색 매치, 악세사리 등

ㄴ 색매치랑 입었을 때 컨셉이라고 해야하나 내가 좋아하는 그런 느낌이 나게 입어요
What is the most important thing for Jung Eun when she wears her own clothes? ex) Socks, shoes, color matches, accessories, etc.

Should I say it's a concept when I wear it with color matches? I wear it like that.

신발부자 정은이의 요즘 최애 신발은 뭐야?

ㄴ 여름이니까 편한거 쵝오
What's your favorite shoe these days?

Since it's summer, what's comfortable is the best.

정은이 연기 꽤 하는 거 같은데 혹시 연기 더 할 생각 있어요??

ㄴ 네..?.?.!.?.!.!.!.!.!.(동공지진)
Jung Eun seems to be good at acting. Do you have any thoughts on acting more?


정은이의 빵 취향은? 심심한빵 (바게트, 식빵) vs 음식맛 나는 빵 (피자빵)

ㄴ 심심한빵 그리고 크림치즈 이런거
What's your preference for bread? Boring bread (baguettes, bread) vs. food-flavored bread (pizza bread)

Boring bread and cream cheese.

ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ왜 다 하지말래?ㅠㅠಠ‸ಠ ㅋㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ
(Laughs)Why don't you all stop?(Crying)

플립댓 활동 (투어 팬싸.. 아니면 브이앱) 베레모 써줄 의향 있다 없다

ㄴ 저는 베레모 안써요💖
Flip that activities (Tour fan signing... Or are you willing to wear a beret?

I don't wear a beret 💖

아침 잠 VS 아침 밥

ㄴ 아침잠
Morning sleep vs. breakfast.

b Morning sleep

What tea do you drink nowadays?

ㄴ coffee...
What tea do you drink nowadays?

ㄴ coffee...

핑머 다음으로 해보고 싶은 헤어컬러 있어?? 뭐든 잘 어울리겠지만💖

ㄴ 오렌지 어때요..?
Is there any hair color you want to try after pink hair? Everything will look good on you, but 💖

How about orange?

정은이는 보라색 머리 해볼 생각있어요? 예전에 쩨리처럼? ㄴ 저는 보라색 안 어울려서...
Jungeun, do you want to try purple hair? Like Hyeri in the past? I don't look good in purple.

분홍색 잘 어울릴 거라고 예상했어?

ㄴ 조금은? ㅋ
Did you expect pink to look good on you?

How about a little bit?

뭔가 콜라보 하게된다면 가장 해보고 싶은 선배님이나 후배님 있어요??

ㄴ 저는 쏠님💖
If you get to collaborate, is there a senior or junior that you want to do the most?

For me, Sol. 💖

아가 ost는 안불러보고싶어? 불러보고싶으면 드라마 or 영화 장르는?

ㄴ 저는 진짜ost너무 해보고싶은데 흑
You don't want to sing the OST? If you want to sing it, Drama or movie. What's the genre?

I really want to try the OST.

근데 어두운 머리 안하려고 하는거부터가 열라기특함💖

ㄴ 이번에 덮으면 ...절대 탈색 안한다......
But I'm proud that you don't want to dye your hair dark. 💖

b If I cover it this time...I will never bleach my hair...

액션연기 다시 해보면 더 잘할 것 같지 않아요?

ㄴ 재밌을것 같어
Don't you think I'll do better if I do action acting again?

I think it's going to be fun.

이제 거의 다 왔네...
We're almost there.

다음에 또 올게요...안녕
I'll be back next time.Hi.

밥도 먹었구 장군이도 봤다
I ate, and I saw the general.

헿 근데 우리 장군이 나이먹어서 많이 속상해
Haha, but I'm very upset that our general is getting old.

사진을 올릴 수가 없어요..이해해줘요
I can't upload the picture.Please understand.

🥲🥲🥲🥲 Mom hurts

내 눈에 많이 담아올게
I'll keep it in my eyes.

Thank you 💖

오늘도 조은하루💖
Today too, Cho Eunharu 💖


에게 새로운거네
It's new to

You're right...

ㅋㅋㅋㄱㅋㄱㅋㄱㅋㄱㅋ여기로 모여~!~!~!!~
Lol, Lol, Lol, Lol, gather here!

그래서 그런거규나💖
That's why 💖

난 또 오빛들이 왜 그걸 나한테말해
I don't know why ORBIT are telling me that.

이러는줄 알고 삐졌잔ㄹ아~~
I was upset because I thought you were like this.


장구니랑 노는중
I'm playing with my groin.


장군이 꼬순내
The general has a soft smell.

장군이 코곤다
The general snores.

우리 할부지
My grandfather.