2022 07 03 1982
공백기가 너무 길다보니 기다려준 팬들한테 항상 미안한 마음이 크더라고
Since the break was so long, I always felt sorry for the fans who waited for me.
그래서 계속 미안하다는 말을 많이 했던 것 같아요
So I kept saying sorry.
근데 오빛들이 미안해하지 말라해서
But ORBIT told me not to be sorry.
안미안 ㅋ
I'm sorry.
(Laughs)I'm just kidding.
그냥 그랬어요
It was just like that.
솔직하게 말하고 싶었어^^.
I wanted to be honest with you ^^.
Oh my god.
I had a good night.
저 11시간 잤어요
I slept for 11 hours.
a great sorrow
허리가 아픈 것 같기도
I think my back hurts.
그냥 기 정
It's just a fake.
맞아 정은 성장기라
Right, Jung Eun is growing.
아 키크겠다ㅜ~~=
Oh, you're going to grow taller.~=
이제 슬 일어나야해는데
It's time to wake up.
My back hurts.
너무 누워있어서
I was lying down too much.
오늘 뭐하지..하루종일
What should I do today?all day long
드라마 봐야겠다 밥먹으면서
I should watch a drama. While eating...
나 집순이가 된걸까?
Did I become a homebody?
근데 한2시쯤 되면 나 심심할듯
But I'll be bored around 2 o'clock.
혼자라도 나갈듯
I think I'll go out by myself.
오전 한정 집순이
a morning homebody
유미의 세포들 보려구뇨
Look at Yumi's cells.
오늘 빨래도 좀 해야지
I'm going to do some laundry today.
배고프다...뭐 먹지?
I'm hungry... What should I eat?
냉면 먹고싶다
I want to eat cold noodles.
근데 또 냉면 사진보면
But if you look at the cold noodles picture,
식욕이 떨어짐
loss of appetite
뭔지 알죠
I know what it is.
나만 그래..?
Is it just me?
그럼 안 먹고 싶은거야
Then you don't want to eat it.
다른 음식을
Other food...
좋다 침대..
Nice bed.
가볍게 먹었습니다💖
I ate it lightly.💖
오빛이 좋아할 것 같은 사진 올림
A photo that ORBIT would like.
언제 업로드도리까
When will it be uploaded?
팹에 올림
From Fab
엄마아빠랑 커피마심
Drinking coffee with my mom and dad.
나는 자몽허니블랙티 먹었심
I had grapefruit honey black tea.
..그냥 모했는지 말해주는겅뎅
I'm just telling you what I've done.
Is it out of the blue?