2022 07 01 1941

제가 튄다는게 아니라
It's not that I stand out.

국물이 튄다는거임
It means the soup splashes.

흰셔츠 입었는데
I'm wearing a white shirt.

라면국물 ...
Ramen soup...

라면 먹지말까?
Should I not eat ramen?

김밥만 먹을까
Should I just eat gimbap?

희진이 늦게 ㅁ긐난대
Heejin says she's going to miss me.

근데 나 혼밥 무서워
But I'm scared of eating alone.

제일 빨리끝나는게 희진이야
Heejin is the fastest one to finish.


희진이 거의 끝났다 ㅎㅎ
Heejin is almost done. Haha

I know.

무슨 라면 먹을까~?
What ramen should I eat?

열라면 먹었다 오랜만에
It's been a while since I had Yeol Ramen.

근데 별로네
But it's not good.


열라면 안맵던데
It wasn't spicy.


오늘 삘이 아니었나바~
I guess today was not the day.

나 동복이조아 아니면 하복이조아
I like winter uniforms better or summer uniforms better.

하복도 여자하복이랑 남자하복셔츠있음
Summer clothes have women's and men's summer clothes.

동복이 예전에 지우랑 브이앱하던
Dongbok used to do V LIVE with Jiwoo.

그 가운데에 남색 줄있고 박시한게 동복
There's a navy blue line in the middle and the boxy one is Dongbok.

아니 남자셔츠
No, men's shirts.

그리고 리본있는게 여자셔츠
And the one with the ribbon is a women's shirt.

맞아요 한방짝두발짝이 남자셔츠
That's right. Men's shirts with one step and two steps.

그리고 볼콕셀카가 여자셔츠
And the ball poking selfie is a women's shirt.

네..잘 알것습니다
Yes, I understand.

일단 내일은 아님~
It's not tomorrow.

Don't hold your breath.

한강 지나가는데 너무 예쁘다
It's so pretty passing by the Han River.

한국 여행오신 외빛분들 한강가셔요
Those of you who came to Korea, go to the Han River.

와서 치맥하세요 치킨&맥주
Come and have chicken and beer. chicken

Good night 💖

오늘도 고마웠어 요즘 너무 행복하다
Thank you again for today. I'm so happy these days.


오빛 덥죠
Orbit is hot.




Thank you for your hard work.

Orbits 💖

근데 나 셀카 못찍나???
But am I bad at taking selfies?

나보고 다들 셀카 못찍는다는데?
Everyone says I'm bad at taking selfies.

그래서 저는 앞으로 남 찍 사 만찍기로 햤어요
So I decided to take pictures of others only.

잌ㅋㅋㅋㅋ아냐 나 상처안받았는데
No, I'm not hurt.


다들 그러길래 그런가아~? 해서 물어본거야
Is it because everyone is like that? That's why I asked.

우리 엄마들 최고
My moms are the best.

오늘도 고생했어요💖
You did a great job today.💖