2022 06 15 1679
권진아님의 뭔가 잘못됐어입니다
It's Kwon Jin Ah's "Something's Wrong".
나 씻고 올건데
I'm going to wash up.
갔다오면 칭찬해죠💖
I'll compliment you when you come back.💖
다 메세지 봐야하니까~~
Because I have to read all the messages.
나 왔어💖
I'm here 💖
아 기분좋다~~
Ah, I feel good.
That's a good compliment.
자신감 충전완료~~~
Confidence is fully charged!~~
엄마들 고마워요💖
Thank you, moms.💖
오늘은 기분 좋게 잡니다 오빛들 덕분에💖
I'm going to sleep in a good night. Thanks to ORBIT 💖
항상 사랑하고 고맙고
I always love you and thank you.
Good night 💖