2022 06 13 1650

수영언니가 왜 좋은지

ㄴ 그건 지내보면 알아요
Why do you like Sooyoung?

You'll know when you're done.

🎤 지금 가장 가고 싶은 곳은?!

ㄴ 투어💖
🎤 Where do you want to go the most right now?

b Tour 💖

아 정정 집이여
Oh, it's Jeongjeongjip.

ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋㅋ

퀸덤 파이널 순발식 때 무대로 나가면서

[수영언니 옆으로 오라고 부르던데]

회사에서 시켰나요 정은이가 시켰나요

ㄴ 정은이가 시켰는데요~
I went to the stage at the "Queendom Final" ceremony.

[She called Sooyoung to come next to her]

Did the company order it? Did Jungeun make you do it?

정은 Jeong Eun made me do it.

드라이플라워 불러주라...

ㄴ 저는 러브레터도 너무 좋지만 드라이플라워라는 그 말이 그 노래랑 더 잘 어울리는 것 같아서 더 좋아요..
Please sing "Dry Flower".

I really like love letters, but I like the word dry flower more because I think it goes well with that song.

정은이 발다프리크 쓴대서 시향하러 갔는데 향이 정은이랑 잘 어울리기도 하고 그냥 정은이 생각이 많이 나서 기분 좋았던 기억이 있어용 항상 떠올리면 좋은 기분을 행복함을 선물해줘서 고마워요 아기💖 갑자기 생각나서 말해봅니다

ㄴ 헉 저도 저한테 어울리는 향 추천받을래요
I went to go try Jungeun's Balda Freak because he said he uses it, but the scent suits him well. I remember feeling good because I thought of Jungeun a lot. Thank you for giving me happiness when I think of him. Baby 💖 I'm saying this because I suddenly thought of it.

I'll take recommendations for scents that suit me.

Please recommend a song.

정은이 언니가 노래방에서 가장 좋아하는 노래는 무엇인가요?? 🎤

ㄴ 너였다면,체념,tears,8282,사랑비
What is your favorite song at karaoke? 🎤

If it were you, give up, teears, 8282, love rain.

팬이 정은이보다 나이 많은데 정은이한테 김립언니라고 한다면?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

ㄴ 좋은데 ? 아무래도 예쁘면 우리언니니까💖
What if your fan is older than you and you call her Kim Lip unnie?(Laughs)

It's nice. If you're pretty, you're my sister. 💖

달플리를 또 하게된다면 이번엔 무슨 느낌의 노래를 부르고싶어?

ㄴ 뭐가 좋아요?
What kind of song do you want to sing this time if you do Dalply again?

What do you like?

제일 많이 착용하는 악세사리라구 해야하나? 목걸이 팔찌 반지 귀걸이 중에 머를 제일 좋아하는지 궁그매유

ㄴ 저는 목걸이랑 반지 좋아해용
It's the one that I wear the most. Necklace, bracelet, ring, and earrings. What's your favorite?

I like necklaces and rings.

근데 퍼스널컬러 검사 받아봤어요?

ㄴ 받아보고 싶긴한데..예약제라 귀찮아요...나 아무래도 p인듯..?
Have you had your personal color checked?

I want to get it.It's annoying because it's a reservation system...I think I'm p..?

저 일하고 올게요 💖
I'll be back after work. 💖

Going home 💖

퇴근하면서 파스타 먹었삼
I had pasta on my way home.


오늘 모해?
What are you doing today?

으아 졸리다 오늘
I'm sleepy today.

Really, really.

나 10시간은 잔듯..?!!
I think I slept for 10 hours.


I guess I was tired.


밥은 먹었어요?
Did you eat?

나는 아직 ..
I haven't...

사과 먹는중
Eating an apple.

나 뿌염중
I'm dying my roots.


My scalp...

Getting on board.

The end! 😀

I'm hungry...

what are you doing

다들 브이앱보네~
Everyone is watching V LIVE.

고대로 있어봐*^
Stay as you are.

난입은 아니고^^
It's not intrusive. ^^

좀만 기다려봐~~~
Wait a little bit.~~

일단 회사를 가고 있긴한데 몇시에 킬지는 몰라여
I'm on my way to work, but I don't know what time I'll turn it on.

차가 너무 막혀
There's so much traffic.

엄마 ~ 비가 많이 와요
Mom, it's raining a lot.

조심히 들어가용 다들
Get home safely, everyone.

은쪽이 퇴근함다~
The silver side is going home.

💖💖💖 Thank you.

편지함도 고마워요 다들 차근차근 읽어볼궤
Thank you for your inbox. Let's read them one by one.

참고로 노래 올렸다
For your information, I posted a song.

언제 올라가려나 두근
When will it go up? My heart is pounding.

방금 브이앱 끝나고
I just finished Vlive

곡 카피할거 찾다가
I was looking for something to copy.

불러봐야지하고 부른거라 미숙해도 이뿌게 봐주기
I sang it thinking I should sing it, so let it slide even if I'm inexperienced.