2022 05 15 1269
오늘 다들 좋은 하루였길..
I hope you all had a good day.
잘자라고 말해주려고 들어왔는데 데뷔5주년이라고 많이들 응원해주는 글에 또 감동 받고 갑니다...
I came in to say good night, but I'm touched by a lot of comments saying that it's our 5th anniversary.
5주년 이렇게 축하해줘서 고마워요💖💖💖
Thank you for celebrating our 5th anniversary.💖💖💖
나도 많이 사랑해
I love you a lot too.
항상 고맙고
I'm always thankful.
I love you so much and thank you Orbits💖
I love you so much and thank you Orbits💖
뭔가 화려한 말로 멋지게 표현을 하고 싶은데
I want to express it in fancy words.
내가 그런 말재주가 없다
I'm not good at talking like that.
정말 이게 내 진심이야 그냥 고맙고 사랑해
This is what I really mean. Thank you and I love you.
다들 울지말구
Everyone, don't cry.
오래보자 우리
Let's see each other for a long time.
사랑해 잘자💖
I love you. Good night 💖
What are you doing?
다들 바쁜가
Are you all busy?
안바빠?%_^다들 눈치 빠르네
I ate.
Gekye bap.
Two eggs.
잘자 다들💖
Good night everyone 💖
나 왜이렇게 빨리 일어났지
Why did I wake up so early?
어제 그냥 기절
I just fainted yesterday.
노래 나왔다
The song came out.
많이 들어주세요💖
Please listen to it a lot.💖
파트 구분하기 힘들 것 같아
I don't think it'll be easy to distinguish parts.
처음 도전해보는 그런거라
It's my first time trying it.
그래? 역시 엄마들💖
Really? As expected of mothers 💖
이제 밥을 좀 먹어볼까
Should I eat now?
(마쟈 내 칭찬에 하트 누르는 중........ㅁ)
(He's tapping the heart for my compliment......))
I washed my blankets.
냉장고에 있던 크림 단팥빵이랑 우유 먹음
I had cream bread and milk in the fridge.
근데 나 녹음 잘했어^^???????
But I did a good job recording ^^?????
어디가 젤 좋아
Which part is the best?
이제 전희진 놀림거리 하나 더 생김
Now Heejin has one more thing to make fun of.
나는 마지막에 어포즈 그게 젤 조아 뭔가
I like the pose at the end.
벅찬 느낌
an overwhelming feeling
근데 요기는 아무도 없네
But there's no one here.
내가 독특한건가
Am I unique?
그리고 젤 힘든 부분은
And the hardest part is...
Where is it?
1:23 "올더피플스땁!"이 파트?
1:23 "Alder People's Ta-da!" This part?
what are you doing