2022 05 12 1212

좋은 날씨 좋은 하루 보내세용😎
Have a nice day 😎

I'm going to be a queen!

재밌게 봐요😗
Enjoy watching 😗

하슬언니랑 수다떠느라 다 놓쳐따..
I missed everything because I was chatting with Haseul.

은서님 넘예....
Eunseo is so pretty...

샵 같은데 귀걸이 물어보셔서 추천해드렸어..
I recommended it because you asked me about earrings at the shop.

파워E시다 ...라고 생각함
I think it's Power E...

내가 지목해줘서 고맙다고 카톡 보냈는데 번호가 없어서 오픈카톡으로 보내니까 번호 주셨어...
I sent a message saying thank you for pointing me out, but I didn't have a number, so I sent it through open kakaotalk, and they gave me a number...

결론: 번호 교환함💖
Conclusion: Number exchange box 💖

ュ...ユ...그. 퀸덤 단톡에서 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ주섬주섬 찾아서,,
ユ...ュ... That. In the group chat of "Queendom," (Laughs)Looking for things one by one...

근데 어느덧 파이널..
But the final...

Good morning 💖

오아써 사진 어때?!
What do you think of OATHER's picture?

우리 막내가ㅜ
Our youngest...

오늘 하루는 어떤 하루였어요?
How was your day today?

나는 진짜 열심히 살았어 오늘
I really worked hard today.


I practiced.

포토카드 얘기가 많아서 그런데 포토카드 사진 골라야하는데..
There are a lot of talks about photo cards, but I have to choose a photo of the photo card.

남찍사는 싫어..? 혹시..?
You don't want to be a male photographer? Did you...?

포토카드는 어려워..
Photo cards are difficult.

그럼 다 좋다는 엄마들 말 들을래
Then I'll listen to my mom.

3.물병자리🏺 (1/20~2/18)

땀이 흐를 정도로 운동합시다. 쌓였던 스트레스가 해소될 것입니다. 스포츠면에서 주목받고 활약할 수 있어요.

럭키 컬러:금색 행운의 열쇠:태국요리

금전운 💸💸💸💸 연애운 💘💘💘💘 학업운 📝📝📝📝📝 건강운 🏋🏋🏋🏋🏋

  1. Water bottle 🏺 (1/20-2/18)

Let's exercise to the point where sweat flows. The accumulated stress will be relieved. You can get attention and be active in sports.

Lucky Color: Gold Key to Fortune: Thai Cuisine

Money luck 💸💸💸💸 Love luck 💘💘💘💘 Study luck 📝📝📝📝📝 Healthy luck 🏋🏋🏋🏋🏋

세상에 운동이여..?
Oh, my God. Is it exercise?

I don't want to.

다들 밥은 먹었어요?
Did you all eat?

나는 방금 피자 먹었어요👍
I just ate pizza.👍

sweet potato

나는 꼬다리에 고구마랑치즈
I'll have a skewer, sweet potato, and cheese.

바람이 많이 분다 오늘
It's very windy today.

감기 조심해요
Watch out for cold.

요즘 다들 많이 걸리더라
Everyone gets caught a lot these days.

나도 목아파서 지금 약먹구이써
I'm taking medicine because my throat hurts too.

근데 난 원래 잘 부어서
But my face gets puffy easily.

You don't have to worry.

나 그래서 요즘 물 일리터 넘게 마시고 있어요
That's why I'm drinking more than a liter of water these days.

묵혀놨던 링티도 한 팩 꺼냈어
I took out a pack of the linty that I had left.

일단1.5리터 마신듯 오늘
As if I drank 1.5 liters.

나가서 좀 걸을까
Should I go out and walk?


아까 피자 먹은게 아직도 소화가 잘 안되네
I still can't digest the pizza I ate earlier.

산책 하다가 올궤여
I got a cramp while I was taking a walk.

후드티 하나 입으면 추워?
Is it cold to wear a hoodie?

후드티 나쁘지않네
That's not a bad idea.

with a fleece...

30분 걸었나??
Did I walk for 30 minutes?

아직 걷는중
Still walking.