2022 04 30 1038
불닭은 안타깝게도 매워서 미안
Unfortunately, it's spicy. Sorry.
근데 너구리 먹을거임 미안~~
But I'm going to eat Neoguri. Sorry!
그렇지만 짜파게티만큼 야식으로 최고인 라면은 없다 이 말이야
But there's no other ramen that's the best late night snack than Chapagetti.
라면을 잘 안 먹어서..맨날 물..한강이야
I don't really eat ramen.It's always the Han River.
Oh, my.
멤버들 애기때 너무 귀엽죠
The members are so cute when they're babies.
So cute;;
지금 이 메세지에 내가 제일 귀엽다고 한사람들 합격.
The people who said I was the cutest in this message, pass.
I love you~!
이제야 보낸사람 탈락!~!~!
The sender is out!
늦었어 늦었어~~~
You're late! You're late!~~
기회는 한번뿐이야~~
You only have one chance.
엄마들 민첩한 하루 되세요~~~~
Mothers, have a nimble day.~~~~
이거 인터넷용어야?
Is this an Internet term?
몰라 댓글에 있길래 ㅇㅅㅇ
I don't know because it was in the comments ㅇㅅㅇ
이럴때 쓰는말 맞아?
Is this the right word to say?
인터넷좀 하고 살아야것네...
I need to use the internet for a little bit.
나 이제 숙소 왔으니까...
Since I'm at the dorm...
명불허전 ..보러간다
I'm going to watch it.
다음 레슨 가기 전까지,,
Before I go to my next lesson...
저녁은 먹고 봐야하는데 뭐 먹지
I have to eat dinner and watch it. What should I eat?
타코야끼 시켜먹ㅇㄹ까
Order takoyaki and eat it.
무슨...15000원이 최소주문금액이야..?
Is 15,000 won the minimum order amount?
충격이야 혼자 먹는 사람은 어쩌라고~~
I'm shocked. What about people who eat alone?
하,,,억울해서 내가 해먹어야하는데
Ha, I'm so frustrated that I have to make it.
그럴 능략은 없네
That's not a trick.
파스타 해먹는다ㅡㅡ
I'm making pasta--
I ate it.
다들 퀸덤 볼준비 했나요???????
Are you all ready to watch "Queendom"????
재밌게 보세여💖💖💖
Have fun watching 💖💖💖
야식 추천해주까
May I recommend a late night snack?
중에 하나
one out of
아피자도 낫밷
Oh, pizza is not good either.
과자도 먹어도 돼요~~~
You can eat snacks, too.~~~
나 잘해쪄?
Did I do well?
긴장해서 죽는 줄 알았어..
I was so nervous I thought I was going to die.
그리고 채현이가 자꾸 나보고 귀엽대
And Chaehyun keeps saying I'm cute.
You punk... ^^
언니를 놀리고~!~!~!~!!~!~!
Making fun of her!
채현이가 내 얼굴이 본인 스타일이래
Chaehyun said my face is her style.
짜식 ㅋ 예쁜게
What's pretty is...
근데 채현이가
But Chaehyun...
우리 연습 항때부터
Since our practice session,
곤듀님~!~!!!이러면서 계속 그랬어 ㅋ
ID GONDU!He kept saying that.
This guy...
그리고 영은이 너무 귀여움 내 새끼
And Young Eun is so cute, my baby.