2022 04 28 1015

그리고 숙소와서 화채 시켜먹으면서 퀸덤 봤지
And I watched "Queendom" while ordering fruit punch at the dorm.

올리브영 갔다가 집가는중
I'm on my way home from Olive Young.

I bought tint.


나도 시구하고 시포
I'll throw the first pitch, too.

Let me do it!Please sing it!

우리 아부지 한화 응원하심..
My father is cheering for Hanwha.

근데 난 불러주시는 곳 응원하겠어
But I'll cheer for the place you call me.

아버지는 아버지 나는 나..
My father is my father. I am me.

Wash up and jjing.

Good night 💖 My side 💖

나 지금 강아지 영상봤는데 오빛들이 왜 우리 영상 보면서 캡쳐 500번씩 하는지 이해가
I just watched a puppy video and I understand why ORBIT screenshot us 500 times.

하 너무 귀여워
So cute.

It's healing.

ㅠㅠㅠಠ‸ಠ 귀여워 강아지 최고야ㅠ
ಠ‸ಠ강아지 Cute dog is the best

진짜 자야지... asmr틀고 눈을 감아봅니다
I'm really going to sleep. Close your eyes after turning on the asmr

Hello 💖

다들 내가 강아지라고 해줘서 고마워요💖
Thank you for saying I'm a puppy.💖



Good morning 💖

난 뒹굴거리는 중
I'm rolling around.

배고프눼 뭐먹지
I'm hungry. What should I eat?


나 누워있는데
I'm lying down.

우리집 앞에 공사를 하거든요?
There's a construction in front of my house.

근데 어떤분이
But someone said,

주말에 공사하지마!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't do construction on the weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

소리지르심 저번에도 저 분 아침에 공사하지마!!!!!!!이러셨는데
Scream Last time, don't do construction work in the morning for him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!That's what she said.

You're so mean...

저 분들도 주말에 하고 싶겠냐고...
Do they want to do it on the weekend?

그치만 또 한편으론 얼마나 피곤하시길래
But on the other hand, how tired you must have been.

저렇게까지 할까...싶기도 하고
I don't know if I should do that...That's what I think.

그치만 세상에 안 힘든사람 어딨나...
But there's no one in the world who's not tired.

ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ
Lol. Lol. Lol.

Do I look like a human?

나는 마음은 f인데 머리가t인 사람이래
"I'm a person with an f in my heart but a t in my head".

그래서 계속 마음과 머리가 싸운다고 ㅎ했어
So I kept saying that my mind and head are fighting.

ㅋㅎㅋㅎ 그래서 뭐 먹지
So what should I eat?

집에 ㅇ무것도 없다..........
There is nothing in the house...

I had bread in the morning bread.

Kiwi and...

키위 두개먹었는데요..오늘 어제 합쳐서..
I ate two kiwis.Combining today and yesterday...

아직 한참 남았다구요...!!
There's still a long way to go!

어제는 반쪼개서 먹고 오늘은 껍질 벗겨서 먹었엄
I ate it in half yesterday and peeled it today.

그러게..어느세월에 다 먹냐..
I know... When do you finish eating it?

믹서기 없어서 쥬스는 못해먹어여 열분
I can't drink juice because I don't have a blender.

제가 열심히 먹어볼게여 할수있따 ٩( ᐖ )و
I'll try my best to eat it. I can do it

벌써 5월이다
It's already May.

5월도 잘 부탁해❤️
Please take care of May as well ❤️