2022 04 15 808
오늘도 고생했어요💖
You did a great job today.💖
나도 퇴근 중..
I'm on my way home from work.
오늘도 좋은 하루💖
Have a good day today 💖
오늘응 다들 뭐해?
What are you all doing today?
정은이는 오늘도 연습이지~
Jungeun is practicing today too.
립이는 (뚠뚠)오늘도(뚠뚠) 열심히 연습하네(뚠뚠)..
Lip is practicing hard again today.
나 이제 연습끝나고 숙소 가는중~~
I'm on my way to the dorm after practice.
오늘 나 제대로된 밥을 안먹어써 ..
I didn't eat a proper meal today.
오늘 바쁜 하루였삼..그리고 배도 별로 안 고푸더라...
Today was a busy day.And you weren't that hungry either.
다들 좋은 일요일 보냈나요?💖
Did you all have a good Sunday?💖
다들 끝내주는 하루를 보냈구나?
You all had a great day, huh?
That's a relief. 🥺
웅 나 이제 숙소가서 먹을게요
I'm going to eat it at the dorm now.
휴 숙소와따💖
I'm at the dorm. 💖
엄마도 오늘 하루 수고많아써
Mom, you did a great job today.
오늘은 뭐했어???
What did you do today?
다들 멋진 하루를 보냈네,,
Everyone had a wonderful day.
나도 알아!!!
I know!!!
얼마전에 배웠어..ㅎ
I learned it not too long ago.Hah!
근데 그거 왜 하는건데?
But why do you do that?
근데 그럼 갸루피스는 남찍사만 되는거네
But then Gyarupis only works as a male photographer.
팔 뻗어야하자나
I need to stretch my arms.
아 거울셀카
Oh, mirror selfie.
No way...
셀카로 찍으면 내 손목만 보일듯
If I take a selfie, you can only see my wrist.
나 방금 포즈해봄
I just posed.
킹정? 그게 뭔데
King Jung? What's that?
신조어 다 나와봐_^^~
Newly coined words come out. ^^~
인정을 왜 굳이 바꾼건데?
Why did you change your acceptance?
다른 뜻이 있나
Do you have any other meaning?
그건 또 뭔데
What's that?
나 귀여워?
Am I cute?
그럼 엄마부르는 신조어는 없나
Do you have any new words that you call your mom?
옴망! 🐤
Om-mang! 🐤
귀여움 좀 과해?
Am I too cute?
근데 난 멋쟁이 할거야!
But I'm gonna be a cool guy!
귀여운거 말고
Not something cute.
나 멋진여자할래
I want to be a cool girl.
상여자특) 귀여운거 싫어함
I don't like cute things.
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋㅋ ㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ
(Laughs) Lol. Lol. Lol. Lol.
하지만 아냐,,난 엄마들이 날 어떤식으로 봐주던 행복해💖
But no, I'm happy no matter how mothers see me 💖
다들 좋은 밤 보내요💖
Have a good night, everyone.💖
Ohmang 👻
아침엔 바나나~
Banana for breakfast.