2022 03 30 597
가사 틀린 거 방송에서 계속 돌아다니기 VS 안무 틀렸을 때 4K 직캠 찍히기
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ처러리 그럼안무틀릴게ㅜ
Going around with the lyrics wrong VS filming a 4K fancam when you get the choreography wrong.
(Laughs)Then I'll get the choreography wrong.
아는게 힘 vs 모르는게 약
Knowing is power vs not knowing is medicine.
Knowing is hard.
이제 구만.
It's time to say goodbye.
고구마 구워짐
Grilled sweet potatoes.
next time.
Wow, 2521.
I was watching it.
It's so sad.
아침부터 오열
Weep from the morning.
[Crying] [Crying][Crying]
다들 오늘 모해
What are you all doing today?
나는 뭐하지이
What should I do?
다들 좋은밤 보내요💖
Have a good night, everyone.💖
굿모닝 오늘도 좋은 하루 보내요💖
Good morning. Have a nice day.💖
나는 자다가 더워서 일어났다
I woke up because it was hot in my sleep.
이 집 해가 참 잘 들어와^_*...
I understand this house very well.
난방을 킨 죄...
For turning on the heater...
암막커텐 있는데도 덥네ㅜ
It's hot even though there's a blackout curtain.
오늘의 아침메뉴는 바로
Today's breakfast menu is...
Greek Yogurt
with cereal
with cereal
not 호랑이 기운
Not tiger energy
not cinnamon toast crunch
not cinnamon toast crunch
근데 벚꽃 언제 피지
When will the cherry blossoms bloom?
오빛들은 봄을 타?...가을타나
Orbits ride spring? Fall.
고등학교 다닐땐
When I was in high school,
벚꽃 피면
When cherry blossoms bloom,
다 같이 석촌호수 갔었어
We all went to Seokchon Lake.
그런거 알지 수요일에 밖에서 수업하는 그런 거
You know, the class outside on Wednesday.
그 시간에 나가서
I went out at that time.
석촌호수에서 두시간 채우라고 데려가면
If you take me to Seokchon Lake for two hours,
맨날 그냥 출석체크 하고 반바퀴 돌아서 잠실타워로 놀러감
I just do attendance check and go around half way to Jamsil Tower.
내가 나쁜게 아니야 다 그랬어.
It's not that I'm bad, it's all like that.
선생님들도 그냥 가라했다고
The teachers told me to just go.
맘대로 해~
Do whatever you want.
이랬어 그리고 얘들아 쌤이 빨리 끝내줄게
I did this. I'll finish this quickly.
Like this.
워낙 연습생이 많아서
There are so many trainees.
그 시간아니면 친구들이랑 놀 시간이 별로 없다는걸 다들 아셨나봐
I guess you all knew that you don't have much time to hang out with your friends.
It was fun...
(Laughs) (Laughs)
하품해서 눈물이 난거라거 하고 싶은 거였믄데....다들 ....왜...
I wanted to say that I was crying because I yawned, but everyone... why...
어제 못본 드라마 보러 갈게여~~~
I'm going to watch the drama that I couldn't watch yesterday.