2022 03 26 562
음 긴장 안 하는사람..?
Well, who's not nervous?
Well ...
없어 ㅋ
I don't have it.
아 쉬 워
It's too bad.
Good night
나는 씻고 누웠엉
I washed up and lied down.
칭찬 너무 좋다
I love the compliment.
위로가 돼..💖
It comforts me... 💖
Good morning 💖
라면 김밥 먹었다
I ate ramen kimbap.
With my uncle.
다들 알고있군,,
Everyone knows that.
Let me go home.
I'm going home.
We arrived at the dorm.
누가 내 머리 말려줄 사람
Who wants to dry my hair?
나오면 3분안에 머리
말려주는 기계 있었으면 좋겠다
I went in.
If it comes out, my hair in 3 minutes.
I wish there was a machine to dry it.
웅 말려죠ㅠㅠ
I'm going to stop you.
Good night~
I'm sleepy.
I slept well 💖
어제 너무 피곤해서 바로 잤더니
I was so tired that I slept right away.
지금 종아리가 ..
My calves are...
My feet... I know what it is.
밥 먹을까...
Should I eat...
근데 오제 새벽에 계속 먹어서
But Ohje kept eating late at night.
나 우유사러 나왔다 잠옷입고
I came out to buy milk. Wearing pajamas.
옛날에는 잠옷입고 절대 안 나갔는데 살면서 느낀게 세상은 생각보다 서로에게 관심이 없다고 느끼면서 바뀜
In the past, I never went out wearing pajamas, but what I felt in my life was that the world changed by feeling that we were not interested in each other more than I thought.
나 빵집도 갔다
I also went to a bakery.
Morning bread.
식빵은 저번에 사서
I bought bread last time.
근데 모닝빵 유통기한 이틀 남았더라?ㅡㅡ
But there are two days left until the expiration date of the morning bread.--ㅡㅡ
그거밖에 없던데 우리집앞에 빵집이 작아서..
That's the only thing I had. The bakery in front of my house was small.
토마토도 먹어따
I ate tomatoes, too.
그것도 무려 스테비아.
That's also Stevia.
생각해보니까 시리얼 먹고 싶어서 우유 산건데
Come to think of it, I bought milk because I wanted to eat cereal.
아니.빵을 사서 그냥 빵먹음 ㅎㅎ
No. I just bought bread and ate it.
아 좀 졸리네~???
Ah, I'm kind of tired.??
😫 I'm
I'm eating gimbap.
Tuna kimbap!
오늘 좀 춥더라 따뜻하게 입고 나가요💖
It's a bit cold today. Dress warmly.💖
비비언니랑 데이트 하고 옴
I went on a date with ViVi.
그리고 푸딩도 사왔어
And I bought pudding.
사진 올렸는데 아직 안 올라오네..
I posted a picture, but it's not coming up yet.
언니랑 전시회 다녀와써
I went to an exhibition with my sister.
우유랑 초코
Milk and chocolate.
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