2022 03 21 509
Ollie boo...?
That's ridiculous.
오늘 날씨 따뜻한줄 알고 반바지 입었는데ㅡㅡ
I thought it was warm today, so I wore shorts--
낼 따뜻하게 입자..
Let's stay warm tomorrow.
근데 저희 춤 춰서 막 춥진 않았답니다
But it wasn't that cold because we danced.
이름표..그냥 매니저님이 놓고 오셔서 빨리 적어서 그런겁니다...
Name tag... It's just that the manager left it and wrote it down quickly...
성북구까지 갈 순 없자녀~
I can't go all the way to Seongbuk-gu.
오늘도 고생했고 잘자💖💖
You did a great job today and good night 💖💖
약과 리뷰먹방보는 중
Watching yakgwa review eating show.
날 잠 못 들게 하는 먹 방
Eating show that keeps me awake.
아침먹고 이불빨래하고 사내맞선 보는 중
I'm having breakfast, washing my blankets, and looking at the company.
It's fun...
유튜브로 노래들으면서 있는즁
I'm listening to music on YouTube.
케이콘 라인업 루나 올라왔더라~????
"KCON" lineup... Luna came up!???
나 설레..
I'm excited.
진짜 잊을 수 없지 LA케이콘_...👍
I can't forget LA KCON _...👍
loonacon으로 만들자...💖
Let's make it a loonacon.💖
대박 LoonA천재야?
Wow, LoonA is a genius?
모닝재즈 좋네..
Morning jazz sounds good.
그냥 너튜브에서 재생 아무거나 합니다.
I just play anything on YouTube.
오늘 날씨어때?
How is the weather today?
Woong 💖 Thank you.
엄마도 좋은 하루 보내요😀
Have a nice day, mom.😀
3시에 모해?
What are you doing at 3?
Shall we meet? 😀
칭찬 신난다😀
I'm excited for the compliment
엄마 더 해조
Mom, do it more.
그대신 냉정한 평가도 부탁합니다
Instead, I'd like you to give me a cold evaluation.
껐는데 피티티나옴
I turned it off, but Petitina.
It's too bad.
엄마 나 졸려
Mom, I'm sleepy.
나 연습하러간다...
I'm going to practice.
스케줄 끝나고
After the schedule,
밥은 아주 잘 먹었으니 걱정마셔용💖
I ate very well, so don't worry💖