2022 03 09 380

In the fridge.

Three eggs.

썩은 사과
a rotten apple


썩진않고 그 쭈굴쭈굴해진거 뭔지 알지
It's not rotten. It's cringey. You know what I mean.

근데 여러분
By the way,

There's no rice.

(Laughs) (Laughs)

I'm going to buy instant rice.

It's nice.

옛날에는 편의점 가는거 그냥 갔는데
In the past, I just went to the convenience store.

지금은 와 너어무 귀찮다?
Right now, it's so annoying.

제가 이것저것 많이 산건 식재료가 아니라 주방용품^^..
What I bought a lot of this and that is not food ingredients, but kitchen utensils ^

마치 공부안하면서 필기구만 사는
It's like buying writing instruments without studying.

You know, right?

아 배꼴르르륵
Oh, my stomach is rolling.

어떻게든 먹어볼게...
I'll try to eat it somehow...

다들 ...밥먹구
Everyone is eating.

다행히 곤약밥이 있어서
Fortunately, there was konjac rice.

(친)엄마가 주신 사골 먹었지요
I had beef bone from my mom.

전 곤약밥이 더 좋아요
I like konjac rice better.

그나마 양심이...
My conscience is...

그냥 쌀밥은 살찌는것같아서
Rice just makes me gain weight.

불안해서 못먹겠어요^^...
I can't eat it because I'm nervous.^

근ㄷ!!지금 메로나머금
But right now, Melona...

후식은 못참아~
I can't stand dessert.

사람사는거 다 똑같아
Everyone lives the same way.

머리는 살빼 입은 마시쪙
My hair is fat and my mouth is dry.

그리고 나지금 2521보는중
And I'm watching 2521 now.

나도 물놀이 하고 싶다
I want to play in the water, too.

노래 영상 올리고시픈데
I want to upload a song video.

예전핸드폰에 있네..
It's on my old phone.

근데 혹시 지금 비와요?
Is it raining right now?

그리고 핸드폰은 아부지가 가져가셨어
And my dad took my cell phone.

근데 다시 영상 찍으려면
But to film the video again,

코로나 걸리고 목이 많이 상해서 조금 연습해야할듯^^..
I think I need to practice a little because I have COVID-19 and my throat is very damaged. ^

조금만 기다려죠...
Let's wait a little bit...

노래 한 소절 부르면 쿨럭ㄱ커르루거쿨거ㅜ누러쿨럭
If you sing a verse, it'll be so cool. It'll be so cool.

나만이래?^^ㅋㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ
Is it just me? ^
^ haha haha haha

ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅠㅠㅠㅜ
Lol. Lol. Lol. Lol. Lol. Lol.

그러니까 조금만 기다려줘요😂💖
So please wait a little bit.😂💖

그리고 비 많이 오네...
And it's raining a lot...

다들 실내에 꽁꽁 숨어있기
Everyone is hiding indoors.

오늘 낮잠자기 너무 좋은 날씨네
It's such a nice day to take a nap today.

(Singing "Crying.

저는 오늘 하루종일 집에있을겁니다
I'll be home all day today.

절대 나가지 않을거라구요
I'm never going out.

창문 열고 후두둑 소리 들을거랍니다
I'm gonna open the window and listen to the sound.

그리고 그랜드 부다페스트 호텔
And the Grand Budapest Hotel.

I'm going to watch it.