2022 03 08 366
There's a typo.
Good night~~~💖💖💖💖💖💖
Help me...
잠이 안 와~~~~
I can't sleep.
좀 배고픈 것 같네 ㅎ
I think I'm a little hungry.
정진솔언니가 꽈배기 줬는데 아른거려
Jung JinSoul gave me twisted bread stick, but it's blurry.
왜 다들 안자...? 해뜨면 자나?
Why aren't you sleeping? Do you sleep when the sun rises?
나 진짜5시에 자러갑니다
I'm really going to bed at 5.
같이 유튜브에서 잠 오는 소리 들으면서 자자
Let's sleep while listening to the sound of sleep on YouTube.
나는 불면증11분 검색해서 들을거야
I'll search for insomnia for 11 minutes and listen to it.
엄마가 추천해줌
My mom recommended it.
사실 나 아까부터 계속 듣고 10시에도 듣고 잤는데
I've been listening to it since earlier. I listened to it even at 10 o'clock.
제발 자길 바라면서
I hope you go to sleep tight.
그래도 못 자면 내가 자장가 불러줄게~!
If you can't sleep, I'll sing you a lullaby.
Sleep well, my baby!
오늘은 트와일라잇했다..
Today was Twilight.
새벽 세시에 기상하여...잠을 못 잤네😀
I woke up at 3 a.m. and...I couldn't sleep 😀
카페인 때문일까?^_%
I woke up at 3 a.m. and...I couldn't sleep 😀
아까 먹음 초콜릿 무스와 마신 커피...너냐? 범인이?ㅋㅎ
I had chocolate mousse and coffee...Is it you? The culprit?(Laugh
이제 유튜브로 갑니다...다들 굿나잇
I'm going to YouTube now.Good night, everyone.
결국 잠에 들지 못했다..
I couldn't fall asleep after all.
나 끝나쪙 퇴근 중
I'm done. I'm on my way home.
자기... 바람피는구나..?
You're cheating on me, aren't you?
다들 당황스러워하네...
Everyone's flustered.
그래..가라 ..가..
Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go.
이브언니거 그렇게 예뻐?ㅜ
Yves's is that pretty?ㅜ
나도 오늘 예쁜데
I'm pretty today, too.
나도 키고 싶은데...이미 숙소..
I want to turn it on too...Already at the dorm...
I'm lost...
나도 조만간 킬게요...😂
I will turn it on soon too...😂
Good Moniing
어제 일찍 자서 오늘은 빨리 일어났어~~
I went to bed early yesterday and woke up early today.
근데 존댓말하는게 좋아..요 아니면 반말하는게 좋아???
But I like speaking formally.Do you like talking informally?
내가 반말 잘 안쓰려고 하는게 있거든요
There's something I don't really try to use informal language.
상대방을 존중하는 마음에서 기분 나쁠 수도 있쟈나요
You might feel bad out of respect for others.
근데 다들 반말쓰라고 하네<?~!~?~?!!
But everyone is telling me to use informal language.
그럼 섞어서 쓰겠습니다😀
Then I'll mix them up.😀
엄마들은 나한테 반말해도돼~~~
Mothers can speak informally to me.~~
왜냐면 나도 엄마한테 반말쓰니까~~
Because I also speak informally to my mom.
(My mom who gave birth to me)
언제 어느 시간에 찾아와도 반겨주는 오빛이 있어서 행복하다 요즘
I'm happy that ORBIT welcomes me whenever I come.
근데 다들 어제 새벽에 느낀건데 그렇게 밤낮이 바뀌면 도대체 출근이랑 학교는 ...어떻게해요?
But everyone felt this early in the morning. If your day and night change like that, going to work and school...What should I do?
대단하군요 다들
You're all amazing.
그래도 내가 등교 출근길에 조그마하게라도 힘이 되기를💖다들 오늘도 화이팅입니다아💖💖
But I hope that you'll cheer me up even a little bit on my way to school 💖 Fighting everyone!Oh, my. 💖💖
아침부터 오빛들 편지보며 또 나혼자 새벽감성..
Looking at ORBIT's letters from the morning, I'm the only one who's sentimental at dawn.
다들 말을 왜이렇게 예쁘게해요.?...
Why are you all talking so beautifully?
가슴에 아주 콕콕 박혀서 찡해
It's so touching and touching.