2022 03 05 344

저 이사 되게 많이 다녀서
I move around a lot.

청주에서...몇 년 살았지 5년?
How many years did I live in Cheongju? 5 years?

그전엔 수원에서 살고...
Before that, I lived in Suwon.

일산도 살고...
I live in Ilsan...

부모님 일 때문에 계속 왔다갔다해서
I kept going back and forth because of my parents' work.therefore

청주에서 태어나긴 했는데
I was born in Cheongju.

어무니 퇴원하시자마자 일산으로 이사갔대여
He moved to Ilsan as soon as his mother was discharged from the hospital.

편찮으신게 아니라..산후조리원...
It's not that you're sick.Postpartum care center...


어무니가 고생이셨지요...
You've had a hard time.

그래서 청주 토박이 아니야..나
That's why I'm not a native of Cheongju.I...

고등학교 가기 전이 청주라섴ㅋㄱㅋㄱㅋㄱㅋㄱㅋㄱㅋㄱㅋㄱㅋㅋㅋ다들 나를 청주 토박이로...
Because I was in Cheongju before I went to high school, everyone was a native of Cheongju...

그래도 99즈 청주즈는 변치않아요..
But 99s and Cheongjus never change.

근데 친구는 이상하게 그냥 사귀어졌었어
But strangely enough, we just made friends.

걱정마요 ❤️고마워잉
Don't worry ❤️ Thank you.

지금도 초등학생부터 이어온 칭구가2명이나 있다구뇨
What do you mean, there are two Qinggu who have continued since elementary school?

약간 애가 엄마한테 칭구있다고 자랑하는 것 같네
It's like he's bragging to his mom that he likes her.

(Laughs)Let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go.

엄마 나 친구있어! 걱정마세요!!😀
Mom, I have a friend! Don't worry!😀

Lol Lol Lol Lol Lol Lol Lol Lol Lol Lol Lol Lol Lol Lol

근데 신기하긴해 이렇게 낯가리는데 친구는 어떻게 사귄걸까...
But it's fascinating. How did you make friends when you're so shy?

그리고 다들 궁금해하는
And everyone is curious about this.

저 빠른으로 안 들어간 이유
The reason why I didn't go in fast...

처음엔 98이랑 친구였음 그렇게 유치원을 다녔었음 졸업을 하였음 나는 또 다시99년 생들과 유치원을 다녔음
If I was friends with 98 at first, if I went to kindergarten like that, if I graduated, I went to kindergarten again with those born in 1999.

그 이유는 어무니가 내가 작다고 무시당할까봐
Because I'm afraid my mother will ignore me for being small.

그냥 제대로 들어가라
Just go in properly.

유치원을 1년 꿇었습니다
I went to kindergarten for a year.

그래서 초등학교 입학을 했는데 1학년때 2학년 선배님을 화장실에서 마주쳤는데 아 진짜 너무 어디서 많이 본 친척인가? 싶은 여자분이 계시더라고요?
So I entered elementary school, and when I was in first grade, I ran into a second-grade senior in the bathroom. Is he a relative I've seen so many times? There's a girl I want to see.

그래서 아 나에게 모르는 친척이 있었나 싶었어요
So I wondered if I had a relative I didn't know.

근데 ?!나중에 졸업하고 졸업사진에 빠져서 또 유치원 졸업사진을 보는데 그 아이가 웬걸 저랑 같이 어깨동무를 하고 있는게 아니겠어요..?
But?! After graduation, I fell in love with the graduation picture and I was looking at the graduation picture of the kindergarten again. Why isn't that child putting his arms around my shoulders with me?

이때의 충격은 좀 커서 아직도 기억해요
I still remember the shock.

...휴,,,,친구한테 인사하고 존댓말을 썼던거임
...Phew... I said hello to my friend and used honorifics.


그분도 나를 봤을때 서로 음..누구지? 하는 눈빛이었어 근데 서로 굉장히 궁금해하면서 (...?!!?!?!)이런 표정
When they saw me, they looked at each other like, "Who is it?" But they were curious about each other's expressions like this.

다들 이렇게 기억에 오래남는 아가썰 하나씩은 있죠..?
Do you all have a baby story that you remember for a long time?

그리고 어린이집 다닐때는 생일파티하잖아
And when we go to daycare, we have a birthday party.

한복입고 2월생일 친구들 쫘르륵
Wearing hanbok, February's birthday friends...

내 생일을 축하하는 날이었음
It was a day to celebrate my birthday.

근데 친구들이랑 사진 찍는거 뭔지 알죠
But I know how to take pictures with friends.

남자애들 볼뽀뽀 시키는거
Making boys kiss on the cheek.

그 제가 올렸던 뚱한 한복사진 내 생일날이야
The fat hanbok picture I posted. It's my birthday.

근데 그게 너무 싫었던거임
But I hated it so much.

그래서 나중에 그 사진 있으면 풀어줄게요 뽀뽀 받는데 싫어하는거
So, I'll show you that picture later. I don't like getting kisses.

근데 그와중에 나한테 갑자기 와서 볼뽀뽀한애가 있었는데
There was a girl who suddenly kissed me on the cheek.

소리지르면서 울었어
I cried while screaming.

ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ
Lol. Lol. Lol. Lol. Lol.

지금도 뭐 별로 다르지 않음😀
It's not that different now either 😀

왜 어린이집은 꼭 그렇게 뽀뽀를 시킬까
Why do daycare centers always make you kiss like that?

그래서 사실 지금 생각해보면 그 애한테 미안함
So when I think about it now, I feel sorry for him.

아침부터 많은 얘기를 했군
You've been talking a lot since this morning.