2022 03 02 288
걱정마세요 아침에 밥 먹고 먹은 분식입니다^^
Don't worry. It's the snack that I ate in the morning.^^
What am I saying?
ㅋㅋ ㅋ ㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ드라마 보면서 치고 있어서 멀티가^^..아침으로 분식먹고 먹은 간식
lolololol (Laughs)I'm playing while watching a drama, so multi-tasking ^^..Snacks I had for breakfast.
I'm embarrassed. ^^...
드라마 보고 올게요....
I'll be back after watching the drama.
앗 김립시를 챙겨주다니 고마워💖
Oh, thank you for taking care of me. 💖
지금 밖에 못나가서 미치기 직전
I can't go outside, so I'm about to go crazy.
Help me.
ㅜㅜㅜ ㅜㅜㅜAhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
자고 일어났어요^^...
I just woke up.^^...
저 어제9시에 잤어요
I went to bed at 9 yesterday.
I had a dream.
배경이 중학교인데
The background is middle school.
우리반 선생님이 갑자기 우리반 학생들을 다 죽이고
My class teacher killed all the students in my class.
나만 살았거든요? 근데 이제 끝나는 종이 치고서 집으로 귀가하는데
I was the only one who lived. I hit the bell and went home.
약간 좀비물 영화처럼
Like a zombie movie.
반애들이 풀려나면서 막 다른 반 애들까지 전염..?돼서
When classmates were released, they spread it to other classmates?It's done.
도망치는 꿈 ..
The dream of running away...
근데 너무 잔인했어요
But it was so cruel.
쌤이 너무 잔인하게 죽였어요
You killed him so brutally.
그리고 일어났다가 다시 잤는데 또 꿨는데
And I woke up and slept again. I had a dream again.
이번에는 제가 고소공포증이 있잖아요
This time, I'm afraid of heights.
근데 무슨 기구를 타고 진짜 하늘끝까지 올라가서
But I went up to the end of the sky on some kind of balloon.
1평?도 안되는 그런 칸에서 철조망쳐있고
It's not even 1 pyeong? It's like a barbed wire.
그리고서 거기서 시간을 채워야하는데 그냥 무서웠어요 떨어질까봐
And I had to fill up the time there, but I was just scared. I'm afraid it'll fall.
그리고 좁은 틈을 이용해서 다시 지상으로 돌아와야하는데 무서워서 못가겠는거죠? 근데 땅으로 다시 가긴했지만 너무 무서웠던
And you're scared to go back to the ground using a narrow gap, right? We went back to the ground, but it was so scary.
이거 길몽이래요
This is a lucky dream.
괜히 말했다
I shouldn't have said it.
ㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
lol (Laughs) (Laughs)
주제 돌려요 우리
Let's change the subject.
Delete memory-⚡️
예전에는 꿈을 진짜 안꾸고 잘잤는데
In the past, I used to sleep well without dreaming.
요즘에는 엄청 꾸더라구요
I dream a lot these days.
휴우 오늘 나갈 수 있네 행복행
Phew. I can go out today. Happiness Train.
근데 나갈일이 없어😀
But I don't have to go out 😀
도넛사러 다녀올까
Should I go buy donuts?
도넛집 추천해주세요
Please recommend a donut place.
저는 참고로 노티드보다 랜디스를 더 좋아해요..
For your information, I like Landis more than Noted.
휴 다들
Phew. Everyone.
정말 잘 아시는군
You know very well.
그거알아요..? 너무 누워있으면 뒷통수 아픈거
You know what? If I lie down too much, the back of my head hurts.
(Laughs) (Laughs)
뇌가 쏠리는 기분..
I feel like my brain is focused.
그래서 방금 옆으로 돌아 누움
So I just lied down on my side.
다들 오늘 뭐해요?
What are you all doing today?
나 뭐하지
What should I do?
일단 밥 묵고 생각해봐야겠어요
I'll think about it after I eat.
오빛들도 어서 밥먹어요
Orbit, hurry up and eat.