2022 03 01 273

A sensitive princess.

What should I eat?


오빛들은 뭐 먹어요..?
Orbit, what are you eating?

I ate pizza.

그리고 드라마 보는 중~
And watching a drama.

민초 오레오 먹는 중
I'm eating mint chocolate Oreo.

It's delicious.

오레오 버스데이케이크맛 맛있는데
Oreo's birthday cake is delicious.

민초먹는다고 뭐라고 하지마세요^^
Don't blame me for eating mint chocolate^

취향입니다 존중해주세요^^
It's my preference. Please respect me.^

이제 또 닌텐도 하는 중..
I'm playing Nintendo again.

Phew... I'm bored 😂

흐아......밖순이에게 방콕은 너무 힘들어
Ha... Bangkok is too hard for outsiders.

정진솔언니 브이앱해요?
JinSoul, are you doing V LIVE?

저도 하고 싶은데 제 목소리 못알아들을 것 같은데^^
I want to do it too, but I don't think you can understand my voice. ^

ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Lol. Lol. Lol.

오빛들 맘아플 것 같아서 좀 괜찮아지면..할게요
I think Orbit will feel bad, so when it gets better...I'll do it.

저 괜찮은뒈요..?
Am I all right?

걱정마세요 엄마
Don't worry, Mom.

흠 약먹고 이제 자려구요
Well, I'm gonna take my meds and go to bed.

Good night!

이제 다들 나보다 먼저 일어나네
Everyone's up before me now.

I'm scared...

학교 잘 다녀와~~~
Have a safe trip to school!~~

출근도 ...😀
Going to work... 😀

코코 보는 중
I'm watching Coco.

코코 유명하길래...😀😀
Coco is famous...😀😀

아직 슬픈 부분이 안 나온 거겠지?
The sad part didn't come out yet, right?

여러분 스포는 안돼요.
Everyone, I can't give spoilers.

...어디가 슬픈걸까....
...what's so sad about...

나 진짜 모르겠어서 그래요
I really don't know.


9분 남았는데....
There are nine minutes left...

9분 안에는 없을 것 같아
I don't think it'll be in 9 minutes.

It's over...

재미는 있는데 오열할 정도는 아닌듯
It's fun, but I don't think it's enough to cry.

자 다음 영화 추천 받아요..
Next movie recommendation, please.

로맨스 추천해주세요😀
Please recommend a romance movie.😀

다음 영화는 ..
The next movie is...

이터널 선샤인입니다..
This is Eternal Sunshine.

사진 공개됐네요..?
The picture has been released.

맞아요 탈색...
Right, bleaching...

이제 이번이 제 인생에서 마지막
This is the last time in my life.

탈색 ..

I'm giving up.

이러다 두피 죽겠어요
My scalp is going to die.

미안해 오빛...
I'm sorry, Orbit...

ㅋㅋ ㅋ ㅋㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ
Lol, Lol, Lol, Lol, Lol, Lol, Lol, Lol, Lol, Lol, Lol, Lol, Lol, Lol, Lol, Lol.

이제 그만 놓아주자...
Let's just let him go.