2022 02 26 249
희진이랑 빵집 투어하고
I went on a bakery tour with Heejin.
찍었을걸요 저거
I think I took a picture of that.
근데 왜 요즘에는 스티커사진 없을까
But why aren't there sticker photos these days?
꾸미고 하는 거 재밌는데
It's fun to dress up.
정은 연습실 가요~
Jungeun is going to the practice room.
무슨 말을 해야 할지 고민이 많이 되네요 나 괜찮아요 조금 쉬고 회복해서 금방 돌아올게요 많이 기다리고 기대했을텐데 실망줘서 너무 미안하고 좋은 말들 고마워요 조금만 기다려줘요
I don't know what to say. I'm fine. I'll get some rest and be right back. You must have waited and looked forward to it. I'm sorry for disappointing you. Thank you for the nice words. Please wait a little bit.
서포트 도시락 전달 받았어요 고마워요 맛있게 먹고 푹 쉬어야징💖👍
I got a boxed meal. Thank you. I'm going to eat deliciously and rest well. 💖👍
It's good.
단거 먹고싶다🙂🙂🙂🙂
I want to eat something sweet. 🙂🙂🙂🙂
식후엔 역시 디저트...
After a meal, dessert is the best.
홈런볼 먹었지요
I ate Home Run Ball.
엄마 굿모닝💖
Mom, good morning. 💖
오늘은 다들 모해여
What are you all doing today?
오늘 하루도 화이팅입니다💖💖
Fighting for today as well done!💖💖
오늘 벌써 3월이네요
It's already March today.
3월도 다들 잘 부탁해요💖
Please take good care of me in March, too.💖
나 괜찮아요 밥도 약도 잘 먹고 잘 쉬는 중💖
I'm fine. I'm eating well, taking medicine, and resting well. 💖
오빛들도 아프지말기
ORBIT, don't get sick.
심심한 사람
a bored person
Oh, my.
혼자서 닌텐도하고 그 소년심판도 다 보고
I played Nintendo and watched all the boy referees.
스물다섯 스물하나..? 그것도 보고..
Twenty-five, twenty-one? I watched that, too.
근데 도넛이 너무 먹고 싶어
But I really want to eat donuts.
Oh my god!
아니 다들 왤케 잘 먹어
Why do you all eat so well?
정진솔언니 노티드를 먹으면서 나한테 말을 안 했다고.?
JinSoul didn't talk to me while eating Noted?
정은 화내지않는다
Jung-eun doesn't get angry.
나도 시켜먹으면 되지..
I can order it too...
제가 소년심판이랑 닌텐도랑 스물다섯스물하나 본다고 했자나요
I told you I'd watch a boy referee and Nintendo at twenty-old.
혜주가 단톡에 그냥 본인이래요 ㅋ ㅋㅋ ㅋㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ
In the group chat, Hyejoo said it's just her. LOL.
다 똑같은 거였어...
They were all the same...
동숲하고 커비하고 카트하고...
Animal Crossing, Kirby, and Kart...
근데 사실 동숲은 계속 똑같은거 반복해서
In fact, I repeated the same thing over and over again.
질려서 오래 못하겠음
I can't do it for long because I'm sick of it.
하 신박한 거 없을까
Is there anything new?
방콕을 너무 싫어하는 나인데
I hate Bangkok so much.
What do you mean Bangkok?ㅜㅜㅜ
재밌는 영화 추천해주세요
Please recommend a fun movie.
눈물 한바가지 흘릴 수 있는
I can shed a tear.
애니메이션 탈락
Animation eliminated.
Thank you. 👍
보고 올게요💖
I'll be back after I watch it. 💖