2022 02 21 210

언니가 밥차려줬어여💖
My sister made me a meal. 💖

뭐야 벌써 다들 알고있네..?
What is this? Everyone already knows?


그러네 생각해보니까
That's right. Come to think of it.

당만 잔뜩 줬네
You gave me a lot of sugar.

음식은 훌륭했어여
The food was great.

과일까지 먹었어여
I even ate fruits.

엄니한테 귤이랑 사과도 줬어
I gave her tangerines and apples.

아니 벌써 1시네
It's already 1 o'clock.

자야지...다이어리 쓰고..
I'm going to sleep... I'm going to wear a diary.

다이어리는 ..연습생때부터
My diary is...Since I was a trainee,

계속 쓰고 있답니다
I've been using it.

근데 난 약간 기록용
But for me, it's for recording.

뭐했고 뭐했고
What did I do?

이제 졸린 것 같기도..
I think I'm sleepy now.

오늘 파스타 먹은 거 때문에
Because of the pasta I ate today,

지금 입천장이
The roof of my mouth right now...

느므 아파요
It hurts.

It's hot.

Oh, my.

내일 아침은 뭐 먹지요?
What should I have for breakfast tomorrow?

또 고민이네...휴
I'm thinking about it again.Phew

언제 또 해서 먹고 ...
When can I make it again and eat it?

It's annoying...

내일 아침에 다시 오빛들이랑 고민해야겠다
I should think about it with ORBIT again tomorrow morning.


숙주랑 깻잎 있는데
There are bean sprouts and perilla leaves.

깻잎 어떻게 먹어야해요
How can I eat perilla leaves?

그냥 냅다 볶네요 다들
Everyone is just frying it.


ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ ㅜㅜ
(Laughs) ㅜㅜ

무슨 맛인지도 모르는데
I don't even know what it tastes like.

다들 차돌박이숙주깻잎볶음... ㅋ ㅋ ㅋㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ
Everyone is saying stir-fried beef brisket and perilla leaves... lololololololol.

깻잎하니까 생각난던데
Speaking of perilla leaves, I thought of it.

오늘 이부언니랑 밥 먹는데
I was eating with my uncle today.

반찬에 깻잎있아서
There are perilla leaves on the side dishes.

이브언니 깻잎 떼줌
Yves takes off the perilla leaves.

그랬더니 언니가 깻잎떼주는 여자래
And she said she's the girl who peels perilla leaves.

근데 그 논쟁 뭔지 저 몰라요..
But I don't know what that argument is.

질투나서 다들 왜 떼주냐 이건가?
Why is everyone taking it off because they're jealous?

저는 그냥... 원래도 저라는 사람 자체가 누군가가 식탁에서 반찬이 멀어보이거나 불편해보이면 반찬 다 밀어주고 그래서...
I just... Normally, when someone looks uncomfortable or distant from the table, I push all the side dishes.

그냥 누군가가 떼주는 걸 봐도 불편해 보였나보다..그렇구나..이럴 것 같긴한데
I guess he just looked uncomfortable when he saw someone take it off.I see. I think so.

굿 모 닝
Good morning

나 아침 요정..
I'm a morning fairy.

아 나 어제 늦게 잤구나
Oh, I slept late last night.

어제 잠 안 와서 두시에 잤그등요
I couldn't sleep last night, so I went to bed at 2 o'clock.

오늘은 내 모발에 영양주러 가요
I'm going to nourish my hair today.

트리트먼트랑 두피케어 하고 올라구여 오전에
I did treatment and scalp care in the morning.

그리고 연습실 가요~~~~
And I'm going to the practice room.

오늘 하루도 화이팅!!💖
Fighting today!💖